si aun no juegas RISING STAR. puedes hacerlo desde este link: RISING STAR
if you still don't play RISING STAR. you can do it from this link: RISING STAR

Voy a etiquetar a todos los participantes para que sean notificados para los próximos sorteos, si no quieres que te etiqueten solo notifícalo en los comentarios
I am going to tag all the participants so that they are notified for the next draws, if you do not want to be tagged just notify in the
@hhayweaver, @javiss, @nahueldare3627, @elgringoviejo, @h3mart,@kevinnag58, @keniel16, @chuckrick, @specialfeelings, @musdim, @jfang003, @eldon1, @pablodare, @zonadigital21, @irisworld, @bitandi, @minus-pi, @worktight, @mairapanelo

me sumo de nuevo !LUV
$PIZZA@mairapanelo! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @pablodare.
Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (2/10)
hola, quiero volver a participar ^_^
$PIZZA@nahueldare3627! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @pablodare.
Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (3/10)
Gracias por la etiqueta, me gustaría participar en el próximo concurso
$PIZZA@elgringoviejo! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @pablodare.
Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (4/10)
Kindly add me in for the next draw
You are doing well
Felicidades a los ganadores , Quiero participar de nuevo a ver si la suerte me ayuda jajaj !LUV
$PIZZA@zonadigital21! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @pablodare.
Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (5/10)
Count me in again for tomorrow.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Quiero volver a Participar XD
@pablodare, you were given LUV from @zonadigital21. About LUV: https://peakd.com/@luvshares
please count me in again
Please add me for the next draw @m3ss
Thank you for supporting Holybread and Thunkgaria over the last year! Enjoy your upvote -simplegame
Count me in, please
I want to participate! ^^
Kindly add me in the next draw
I want to enter the draw.
I want to participate
Count me in again please!
vengo a participar
ahora si jajaja !PIZZA
$PIZZA@hili! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @pablodare.
Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (6/10)
Thank you and please enter me for the next draw.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
id love to participate one more time! thanks!
@pablodare, you were given LUV from @mairapanelo. About LUV: https://peakd.com/@luvshares
Hola, me gustaria participar si aun es posible! gracias
me sumo otra vez!