Hello everyone,
Current price of Hive is $0.9143 and Starbits rate is 0.0002952$.
If you want to play to earn Rising Star game and still not joined then following is the link
I played total 22 missions. Out of which 20 were standard missions , 1 was Special Mission and 1 were Music Lessons.
Total Missions | Standard | Music Lesson | Special |
22 | 20 | 1 | 1 |
Following was my overall achievement in all categories:
StarBits | Ego from missions | Discorded Pizzas | Coffee | Minutes |
21128 | 119 | 3 | 2 | 410 |
followings are my Stats;
Level | Fans | Skill | Luck | IM | Ego |
257 | 36037 | 111064 | 9305 | 925 | 0 |

Following was the sequence of all missions which I played and their output.
Millionaire Mission |
10000 |
County Festival Auditions |
1672 |
There were two missions which I repeated .
Full Band support |
8 Times |
Ego gained from missions was 119 whereas I gained 714 skill points from music lesson .So this was " Full Band Support " mission which gave me maximum return . In my case " Full Band Support " mission could generate maximum 881 Starbits while at the end of mission it generated 842 Starbits which is 95.57%.* This was the maximum percentage of Starbits which a short duration mission could generate.
Overall this was a good day . Today I won a i61 Sunset V Guitar in a giveaway by whickey.

Thanks for reading and support.