Hashkings 101

in Blockchain Gaming4 years ago
Authored by @GeBeh


If you are reading this, then I assume you are looking for extra pocket change from doing something enjoyable/gaming. A lot of games utilizing blockchain/crypto-thingy are quite trending lately, and like games in general, the one playing earlier usually will have more advantages compared to the late comer. Fortunately, 📈 Hashkings is a relatively new game. 📈


So, what is Hashkings? Hashkings is a browser-based farming simulator running on the Hive blockchain. The genre itself might seems boring at first glance for common gamer since it is pretty simple and straightforward. But this is a blockchain game we are talking about and let’s be honest, people start playing it for the PROFIT and not expecting for an AAA game (I'm pretty attached to it by now though). Almost anyone can play it, but “can” is not enough. We need to understand it better, and do things at the correct time to maximize our profit, just like owning your own farm.


  • Still in early phase.
  • Scholarship program exist.
  • Not time consuming (but, you still need to invest time to learn it first).
  • More than 1 style of playing, each with their own pros/con.
  • Browser-based. Don’t need to renew your client every time an update is done (which is done frequently by the dev team, since it’s still in early phase).
  • Game keeps updating.
  • And of course, income opportunity.


  • Don’t have good graphic. There is no moving image at all (at least for now).
  • No compiled user manual / guide yet, since the system still keep changing. You need to search and ask for things by yourself. (Don't worry, they have Discord)
  • Need to invest first to play (no pain no gain).
  • Could feel slow sometimes when you have nothing to do in the game.

And then comes the most common, yet unavoidable question, “How much can I make in this game? And what should I do to get it 🤔?” Well, since the in-game economy still keep changing, I’m sure not even the developer can be sure about it. I myself still keep learning (proud member of Blockchain Gaming Scholarship), so maybe I’ll talk about it more in the next post when I know better about what I’m doing. For the meantime, anyone interested can try starting small and getting the hang of it by joining the scholarship program.


The one playing earlier usually will have more advantages :: GeBeh 2021

Scholarship: https://peakd.com/hive-131619/@wagginston/hashkings-farmer-sponsorship-program-faq Game: https://farm.hashkings.app/play


I love this intro. especially the Pros and Cons. Precise. Kudos.