πŸ‰ [MELN] Weekly EXODE Giveaway #5

in Blockchain Gaming β€’ 3 years ago

Hello, Pilots!

We have seen lots of growth in the EXODE Discord server over the past few days, I've personally seen around 20 new players join up! I love to see it. With all of the good news, some Elite Pilots donated even more Starter Packs for a second free drawing for those who weren't lucky in the first round. Great community initiative right there! If I had to guess, I would assume most of the new players are anxiously awaiting the WAX sale of the remaining Alpha Booster Packs. While I don't personally use WAX all that much, I am excited to see what happens during the sale! To the Melon!

This week you have a chance of winning:
1x Syndicate Squad Leader
She can fit very well in combat-based Syndicate builds, and is a good compliment to Ayumi and/or Battle Trained Socialite.


And 1x Syndicate Hacker
He is the best fuel loader in the game at the moment. An Elite version of this card can load fuel in 19 seconds.


And 1x Syndicate Trooper
Syndicate Troopers can round out a Rebel/Syndicate build since they have the Stealthy trait.


And 1x Programmed Transactor
this link. @elindos has given quite detailed information on this card in the EXODE Discord server, so if you want to read more about it click


And 1x Syndicate Chip
This chip allows any build to use Syndicate cards, which makes it almost required to run any Syndicate-related build, or even if you just want to round out your build with the versatile Syndicate cards.

These cards are worth a minimum total value of $3.76 at time of writing.

Screenshot 2021-10-04 103438.png

In last week's giveaway, we had 10 entrants. Congratulations @gd1906! You have been sent your prizes.

Screenshot 2021-10-04 104634.png

How to enter:

  1. Upvote this post
  2. Reblog this post
  3. Comment what you would like the WAX sale to include and/or look like
  4. The winner will be chosen by random on Monday, October 11th.

EXODE is a real-time strategy space colonization game here on the Hive Blockchain. If you still have not bought your starter pack and signed up, use this Referral Code(c956af8) and you'll also receive 2 free Alpha Booster Packs with 5 NFT cards each and a free Epic Alpha Character. For more information and links, check out the developer's page, @elindos.

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Thanks for the contest!
What I'd like to see on the wax sale:

  1. a well thought out approach to bots and flippers so they don't take the majority of the drop. Maybe something like a well verified whitelist with a tight cap on how many people can buy for the first x hours. (Just please don't make this dependent on how active someone is on the discord, or it'll lead to a lot of spam!)
  2. right now on hive its a bit hard to tell which card is which rarity unless you filter by rarity and then see what cards show up. Hopefully this will be easier to indicate on wax / atomic hub. Splinterlands didn't (maybe still hasn't?) put in good filters on atomic hub so its very hard to search by rarity, but i hope exode will!
  3. splinterlands does have a good portal mechanism for moving cards from wax to in-game. It would be nice to see a similar exode atomic hub page.

Very great suggestions! I don't know much about WAX, but I feel like @elindos could benefit from seeing your comment.

Have a space !PIZZA

I did benefit from seeing these suggestions! Thanks!

Awesome! I try to ask questions that will help you understand what the community wants every week. Happy to help.

Have a !PIZZA

I am new to the blockchain environment. I am thinking that WAX is another blockchain like Hive. So I should probably head over that direction and sign up for an account. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to move money into that environment. I am finding it very difficult to buy Cryptocurrencies where I live(Texas).

Β 3 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

I personally use Bittrex to buy HIVE, you may get a better answer if you ask this question in a Discord server.

Looking forward to the wax sale! I just hope its not in the middle of the night at my place :)

Hopefully it won't be, I will mention the time and date in the Giveaway when it is announced.

Have a !PIZZA

Just got into this but I'm psyched! WAX sale including more ships would be awesome!

I doubt any new ships will be added specifically for the WAX sale, however you will be able to get the Alpha ships from the packs that are being sold.

Have a !PIZZA

Thank you for the contest.

I think since we don't have boosters on Wax yet, just Hive, it might make sense for the first wax sale to be the same 3 starters that you currently have, plus a limited booster pack sale. Just throwing out random numbers, but maybe perhaps 1000-2000 of each starter (Navy Lieutenant, Ark Scientist, and Elected Leader), at the pegged $10 USD price point, but payable in Wax, and a 4th entry that includes all 3 boosters for $20? Then in the drop have a separate, limited 500 qty booster drop for $3 USD a pack. Again, I'm just throwing out random numbers.

Someone here suggested a paid whitelist nft, which is fine. I also think free promo drops leading up the sale would help build buzz for your drop.

I have WAX and am looking forward to buying some boosters!

Nice, congratulations. I don't know what they will be priced at but I'm glad that you are excited!

Have a !PIZZA

  1. Remember to create WAX account.

  2. Hope for legendaries

I didn't have a WAX account until DYGYCON as well, lol.

Have a !PIZZA

A system to avoid whales xD

Definitely interested in seeing what comes up for this.

Have a !PIZZA

I stopped using WAX a couple months ago, so I honestly wouldn't take advantage of any sale... Hopefully, I can still be included in the giveaway? @finris

Of course.


Thanks for the giveaway! Count me in for it!

As other comments already said, my main dream about the sale is that it has some system to avoid automated bots purchasing everything. Which system? I honestly don't know, but there's dozens of good ideas (limit purchases per user, etc.)

IGN @luizeba

Very true. I'm sure Elindos can handle it, he is very anti-bots and has built EXODE to offer no advantage to them.

Have a !PIZZA

I have no clue what your talking about in regards to the WAX sale.. NFT's are above my paygrade if its not apart of a game that I can play.

Fair enough. EXODE is planning to sell the remaining Alpha Boosters on WAX as part of a promotion in the near future. You will still be able to open and use the cards inside.

Have a !PIZZA

thank you for the info sir!

I need to figure out how pizza works, cos these bitches is piling up back here!

Β 3 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
birdbeaksd tipped luizeba (x1)
birdbeaksd tipped elindos (x1)
birdbeaksd tipped amaillo (x1)
birdbeaksd tipped jondoer (x1)
birdbeaksd tipped luckyluck777 (x1)
birdbeaksd tipped jacobdita10 (x1)
cibersk8 tipped birdbeaksd (x1)
birdbeaksd tipped jwing (x1)
birdbeaksd tipped finris (x1)
birdbeaksd tipped ange.nkuru (x1)
Learn more at https://hive.pizza. @birdbeaksd tipped @unorgmilitia (x1)

I want cheap cards of Rising Star on Wax lol
Congratz to the winner!
add me to the next draw
Greetings an good luck to everyone!

i dont use wax due to cpu usage. @beaverwarrior

I haven't used the WAX engine, so I don't know much about it. My friends have only recently gotten me involved with Hive.

Would love something with reasonable intro price to drive intrest

I would love to see some "land" asset, but getting a new game version would be even more awesome!