Welcome everyone to another round of #LoveTheClouds!

I am calling out to all past finalists to participate again :) Thanks for your wonderful entries 👌🌧🌦🌥🙏
@axeman @hangin @voronchihin @javiersebastian @rem-steem @roxy-cat @bigsambucca @nelinoeva @sketch.and.jam @fonteynb @jungwatercolor @dranren @jacey.boldart @eii @olivia08 @remotehorst23 @aiskelzurita @artofwisdom @ajayful @puppetmaster1111 @zhayie03 @ejeeywander @zhayie03 @eto-ka @chadee @dovetail @jadung @steempampanga @chaidir082 @aronnaawe @maribelquere97 @atikajayboy @soroka74 @cryptomaniacsgr @steliosfan @rahmadsanjaya @bamboozled @dinglehopper @stanestyle @aronnaawe @zhayie03 @fonteynb @catlady.natascha @cryptocurator @claudio83 @javiersebastian @digi-me @preludiocosmico @dronegraphica @sketch.and.jam @orjantomarcelo @cloudblade @pipoune @leysa @yellowmode @dianadee @victorbz @marcoteixeira @contrabourdon @orjantomarcelo @marcoteixeira @adinapoli @jayclar30 @fredkese @butterblume @annephilbrick @ultratrain @lea8ndrea @ackhoo @mers @dexpartacus @rem-steem @izaid @paradigm42 @bambuka @maxili63 @kaminchan @claudio83 @afza @chrisaiki @mafufuma @offgridlife @bonp @davidesimoncini @luigi-the-gnome @deerjay @lieutenantrekt @haastrecht @diosarich @ainie.kashif @gingbabida @vicent21 @luigi-the-gnome @eewa @ingus42 @barbarabezina @careassaktart @pastoragus @careassaktart @gulia.peito @seadbeady @justclickindiva @ana-maria @diosarich @jlgc @quantumg @jlgc @miroslavrc @syl-lab @librepensadora @gurseerat @thethoughtpolice @despero-narciso @ahmadturki @mituabida @ale.dri @sayago @zo3d @calisto24 @miguelmederico @esthersanchez @benavides54 @mirla33 @chocolatescorpi @gems.and.cookies @luisfe @silversaver888 @uliana61 @lilideleopolis @nenio @rupinder @javiersebastian @sagesigma @jadung @leifasaur @xaviduran @uliana61 @petronila @alexmag1988 @ninahaskin @jurich60 @caydenshan @sisterhood2 @godlovermel25 @cindee08
I am sure that I have missed some...!

How does the contest work?
Obviously the contest is all about Clouds: You can draw, take a picture or use any other kind of medium to portray clouds in any form or manner! I want to stress again that this contest is not strictly a photography contest! Artists of all paths are welcome 😊
There are of course some usual rules for participating:
- Upvote and reblog the contest OR Upvote and promote the contest with a link
- Make a comment with a link of your work below this post
- All of the submitted works must be original and made by you!
- Only 1 entry/post per person
- Post in the 'Love The Clouds Community' or use the #lovetheclouds as well as the #PoB tag
All entries must be submitted before this post closes

What's the prize pool and who will win?
There will be 3 finalists chosen by the community in an upcoming post entitled "Love The Clouds Finalists?", so be sure to vote if you are a community member!
Each finalist will receive their equal share of the Hive and #PoB payout !
Additionally there will be four honorable mentions who will each get a 30% upvote
😊Have fun and enjoy !!😊

Mi participación:
Que paisaje tan cálido y pacífico. Hermoso
Gracias @isauris es un lugar cercano a mi hogar. Un abrazote.
Hello dear sacra97..You always have white clouds, it's so peaceful having white clouds and blue sky...Cheers!
Thanks @mers
Bellas las nubes y todo el ambiente, se ve un día radiante.
Gracias mi bella amiga @mllg
Hi friends! This is my entry!:)
Que espectacular toma @uliana61
Hermosa fotografía con esos rayitos de luz a través de las oscuras nubes.
The clouds resemble cotton sugar, nicely scattered...
Un paisaje muy hermoso y me gusta mucho ese tipo de nubes, @redheadpei
Hi @tobetada and #lovetheclouds community.
Here my contribution to R152 'Love The Clouds' contest.
The green fields are nice to look at complimenting the blue sky and white clouds.
It's a color combination that I like. Thanks for reading the post and commenting.
Spectacular sky and corn a beautiful complement. Much success @castri-ja a hug.
Gracias @sacra97.
Tus fotos de nubes son siempre espectaculares.
Un abrazo
Un bello y prometedor paisaje natural, con esa siembra de maíz, @castri-ja
Si. Esta semana que estoy fuera por motivos laborales me tarda volver a esos campos
¡Hermosos campos!
Here is our entry
Hi @tobetada https://hive.blog/hive-131609/@sisterhood2/sunset-clouds-show
Guao que colores tan hermosos @sisterhood2
Gracias por tus lindos elogios @sacra97.
Simply beautiful!
Simply beautiful!
Here is my entry below..thanks @tobetada..
Simplemente una captura hermosa @mers
Hermoso! Mi momento favorito del día es cuando el cielo se llena de magia y las nubes se pintan de colores.
Great shot!!!
Nice one dear
Hello this is my entry for luv the clouds contest #152
Clouds nicely taken from the top of elevated area.
Thanks !HBIT
Buenas tardes, esta es mi participación para el concurso
Una formación muy hermosa en contraste cielo y paisaje @isauris
My entry ( a teddy bear cloud):
Unas formas muy peculiares.
Hi friends! My entry is here;)
Beautiful space between games and clouds. It is a good catch of clouds in the spaces that we enjoy daily or on walks to the park. Much success and a hug @lilideleopolis
My entry:
Muy espectacular, unos colores hermosos. Muchísimo éxito @olivia08
Very spectacular, beautiful colors. very successful
That morning the clouds were too special...they looked like giant ethereal and diffuse ghosts gathered in the sky. Some resembled bird feathers, others seemed to be faces that were not fully defined.
Muy buena atrapada de nubes, de verdad no pasan desapercibidas con sus formas espectrales. Muchísimo éxito y un abrazote @luisfe Very good cloud catch, they really do not go unnoticed with their spectral shapes. Much success and a hug @luisfe
Here is my entry.
Atrapaste unas nubes muy lindas. Muchísimo éxito y un abrazote @jmis101
You caught some very nice clouds. Much success and a hug @jmis101
Thank you very much dear.
My participation:
Mi participación
Hermosos tonos rosados. Muchísimo éxito y un abrazote @mllg
♥️ Good night friends!
✨☁️Here I leave my participation: https://peakd.com/hive-131609/@valenpba/espeng-i-love-clouds-152-the-clouds-of-my-backyard
Hi, here is my entry: https://peakd.com/hive-131609/@elentogether/my-entry-to-the-love-the-clouds-contest-152-en-es-kiss-of-clouds
hi, this is my entry for the contest: https://peakd.com/hive-131609/@gerneth96/mi-participacion-en-el-concurso-the-love-clouds-152-esp-eng-my-participation -in-the-contest-the-love-clouds-152
Mis nubes
Un hermoso espectáculo a diferentes horas del día y la noche. Una buena atrapadas de nubes. Muchísimo éxito y un abrazote @zhanavic69
Thanks for the new update @tobetada ☁️⛅ I will join 🤗😊
Que bonito e interesante concurso. Estaré al pendiente aunque no participe disfrutaré mucho de ver las participaciones de los concursantes. Un abrazo a todos!
I am back- with soooooo many clouds that I have collected lately, so I will be sure to find a nice one or few for you tomorrow to appreciate.
Thanks so much for keeping me on the list @tobetada I really appreciate it!
Is there a reason I am not on your list @tobetda? I don’t get any notifications from the LTC .
My entry
My Entry:
Que bonito están estos colores en el cielo.
That sky full of color and clouds looks very beautiful. Much success and a hug @ jurich60
Thank you for the comment sorry I just read it now my signal not good always
Hey there @tobetada, I hope that you're well and thanks so much for not forgetting me!
I really appreciate it!
I finally made it and here is my entry for the 152nd edition of the #LoveTheCloudsContest https://peakd.com/hive-131609/@chocolatescorpi/feathered-faery-clouds-my-entry-for-the-love-the-clouds-contest-152
Take care and speak soon!
What a beautiful sky you have to see, they look like ice crystals, they look spectacular. Much success and a hug @chocolatescorpi
Such a wonderful formation aren't they!
XXXSo glad you love them as much as I do. Thank you @sacra97
@tipu curate
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 21/51) Liquid rewards.
Hello all.... Happy monday. This is my entry round 152:
My Entry Love The Clouds Contest 152: White clouds on the lake Our village in Bogor city https://ecency.com/hive-131609/@parung76/my-entry-love-the-clouds-eab3501019bcc
Thank you very much.
My entry
This is awesome 😍
Here is my entry to the challenge 😀
Here is my entry, thank you.
Hola @tobetada con mucho cariño y admiración he aquí mi participación https://peakd.com/hive-131609/@tiaene/la-nube-que-le-tenia-miedo-al-sol-oror-the-cloud-that-was-afraid-of-the-sun-oror-the-love-the-clouds-contest-152-esp-eng
Una sugerencia si observas los que comparten sus post colocan una fotografía de sus nubes del post, así llama más la atención para que entren a verla.Que simpática forma de presentarnos tus nubes, me encanto tu participación @tiaene. Muchísimo éxito y un abrazote.
A suggestion if you observe those who share their post, place a photograph of their post clouds, so it draws more attention so that they come to see it.What a nice way to introduce us to your clouds, I loved your participation @tiaene. Much success and a hug.
¡Hola @sacra97! Me alegra mucho que te haya gustado mi forma de participar. Gracias por tus deseos, consejo y por el abrazote. Después que había comentado, me di cuenta de que faltaba la foto en el comentario, no sé por qué cuando lo hice pensé que la foto principal iba a salir automáticamente.Para la prima estaré pendiente. Saludos y un abrazote también para ti.
@sacra97 Listo, aprendí a colocarla.
I have already learned how to publish it
Estupendo se vuelve llamativa verla allí. Felicitaciones.