》》 harvest 🌌》》《《Refleccion 🌌

in Love The Clouds3 years ago

》》》 🌌Good Hive community today I bring you a different amaneser traveling to the train station and waiting I look at Ariva and I see how the moon is up x a blanket of clouds and gives us to think about so many things like writing a poem or the person special that I have in our life and that one carries in the heart. While I wait for the train and listening to music I can't help but look at those beautiful clouds but I keep on my way arriving and at the time of hurting my work but like a magnet trapping me to the inevitable looking up at the sky and I think so many things and I laugh suddenly remembering Those times that my little boy's barrette went up so much inosence I was happy Or like those many nights I would go out on the roof of my house to gaze at the stars and play with figures in the clouds. Good group I let you live life every minute is unique and unrepeatable ... 🌌☁️🌕 《《《《●

》》》🌌Buenas comunidad del Hive hoy les traigo un amaneser distinto viajando hacia la estacion de tren y esperando miro acia ariva y veo como la luna es enbuelta x un manto de nuves y da de pensar tantas cosa como escribir un poema o de la persona especiales que uvo en nuestra vida y que uno lleva en el corazon.
Mientras espero al tren y escuchando musica no puedo evitar mirar esas hermosas nuves pero sigo mi camino llegando ya la hora de hirme a mi trabajo pero como un iman atrallendome a lo inebitable mirar acia el cielo y pienso tantas cosas y me rio depronto recordando
aquellas veses que remontaba mi barilete de chico tanta inosencia tenía era feliz
O como esas tantas noches salía al techo de mi casa para contemplar las estrellas y jugar biendo figuras en las nubes.
Bueno grupo le dejo vivan la vida a cada minuto es unica e irepetible...🌌☁️🌕《《《《●