Love The Clouds - Contest #134 - Colorful Formations.

in Love The Clouds3 years ago

Clouds are just amazing part of mother nature showing you how creative, it can be and she never paints the same picture, I experienced and witnessed this daily while holidaying on the tropical island of Koh Samui in Thailand, on my one month vacation I had the opportunity of seeing some of the most extraordinary sunsets with the most colorful formations of clouds this one was one of my most favorites a explosion of colors with a mixture of different cloud structures expanding out into the sky over the Gulf of Thailand, it was one cloud formation that I definitely couldn't take my eyes off, it was truly astonishing to have witness this formation of cloud activity never had I seen anything like this before.

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Tapestry by mother nature in skies above one can only but marvel at the lighting.

Excellent photography once again, wish you a wonderful day and hopefully soon able to journey that way again.

Una espectacular forma de traernos unos cielos hermosos. Muchísimo éxito y un abrazote @kohsamui99

What gorgeous images so beautiful, with the warm golden colors