in Veterans11 months ago

Good morning, Steemians! 😊 Hive-ians! 😊
We’re really looking forward to seeing what our Bleeding-Heart plant looks like this year. 😊
These are our main flock of wild turkeys, they seem to have adopted our homestead as their home. 😊
The hatchlings are getting big. 😊
Some of this weeks stunning sunset colours. 😊
The chives in the little garden bed up at the top of our driveway woke up this week. 😊
It is so neat to watch the turkeys fly up to the tree at bedtime. 😊
Some of this week’s raisin bread. 😊
A friend of ours invited us to join their weekly game night/pot luck and I made a casserole, some rolls, and a couple of different types of cookies for dessert. 😊
We started and candled our second batch, (this time, large eggs) in the incubator this week and all, except one were viable. When they say, don’t use eggs with any defects in the incubator, they mean it…I used one that had a tiny bump of extra shell…mistake, huge mistake…it developed a leak, inside the incubator and burst in my hand as I went to remove it…the smell, was to say the least, grossly unpleasant. I will never use an egg with a flaw of any kind in the incubator ever again. Lesson learned. Story shared and hopefully, someone saved from the same fate in the future. 😊
I love that the wild turkeys don’t mind me hanging out with them, (that bit of blue at the bottom left of the picture, is my knee,) while they grab a snack. 😊
Do you see anything in this picture? Let me know in a comment, what you see, if you do. 😊
Look who came out of her winter hideout this week…Smudge! She was shy for about two mouthfuls, but after that she just climbed right up on me. 😊
She’s the only chipmunk that’s ever eaten out of my hand or hung out on me. She’s a sweet girl and she lets me pet her, which is very cool. She’s so soft. 😊
My handsome husband says he can always tell when one of our furry or feathered friends has been eating out of my hand, because I’m always grinning like a kid allowed free reign at a candy store. LOL! 😊
I finished my first knitting project, a scarf for our youngest grandson. I know its not perfect, but it was made with love. I’ll make him another, nicer one, after I’ve made one’s for his three older siblings. 😊
The day that I get one of our wild turkeys to eat out of my hand is going to be incredible and a bit scary for us both. LOL! 😊
I’m betting it will be the hen or the young Tom that comes to me before the big Tom’s do. I’m not sure the bigger Tom’s will ever come to me, they’re pretty cautious, as they should be around all humans. 😊
I looked down after dumping the eggs into the bowl for dough for the buns we took to game night and saw this heart shape. I snapped a quick picture before mixing it in, as I figured the odds of it looking like that again were slim. 😊
Everything’s ready, just waiting for the buns/bread to cool so it can be packaged up for transport to our friends’ potluck/game night. 😊
I started the second scarf. This one is a bit wider, and will be longer, than the first, as my handsome husband thinks the first wasn’t long enough. 😊
My handsome husband and I were outside talking about where we wanted to plant our willows and this young Tom came over to grab a snack while we talked. 😊
The young Tom’s and hens are fearless. 😊
We’ve got quite a few Goldfish this year. 😊
We’re looking forward to warmer days when we can sit and watch the pond life. 😊
We have a groundhog in our yard, if its foolish enough to go near our dogs, it won’t be around long. 😊
The willows are doing well, look at the roots on ‘Hutch’ and the other five are developing nicely as well. YAY! 😊
Well, that was how things have been going for us here. I hope you have all been safe and healthy and have had an amazing week! I’m grateful to God for blessing us with another week to share with you here. 😊 God bless you all. 😊 Have an awesome week everyone! 😊
Anyone else interested in a badge like this? Contact @daddykirbs for a custom badge of your own. 😊 Thank you to @zainenn for the GHSC footer as well. 😊

(All photos taken by me or for me by my handsome husband on my Huawei P30 Lite or Samsung S20FE5G.) (https://frostyamber.picfair.com is the address for my Picfair site if anyone’s interested in checking it out.)


The chicks have wing feathers! Amazing how quickly it happens. The heart in the flour is cool. Last night I saw 2 turkeys out on the back 40 and went and got the camera. But they had gotten too far back. They are the first turkeys I have seen 8n years here on the farm.

I didn’t remember you had goldfish. Did they winter over in the pond? Hope you had a grand time at the potluck. Still waiting for Half Penny to put in an appearance.

Welcome back, lovely lady, thanks for visiting! 😊

Yes, they do, and they're so cute with their feathers...we're still waiting for their final colourings to come through. They're going to be quite pretty, I think, of course, I'm a bit bias. 😊

The Goldfish overwinter in the pond every year. We've had them for quite a few years now...can't recall the exact amount, but over five years old, at least, maybe more...since we've bought any. We were worried the year we had the drought, but they survived and are thriving quite nicely. I think they are the reason we get the heron/crane visiting each year, too. 😊

Half-Penny and the rest of the boys, usually come back visiting mid-to-end of May. The ladies started coming around a couple of weeks ago, but they're still too skittish to get a good enough look at them, to be sure who's who. Once we see Half-Penny's mate Nacho coming over, than we know we have about two weeks before we see Half-Penny again. I'll let you know, as soon as we see them. 😊

Oh, my, the wind blew the old chicken coop door. I've got to go and make sure it gets closed and secured , so it doesn't get broken off. Chat with you again soon! 😊

God bless you and your wonderful family. Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! 😊