Back in The Saddle

in Veteranslast year

Yeah, I haven't been posting as much as usual lately. Some might have seen me on Discord some. Well, had a little scare last week. Seems my ticker and blood pressure went a little whack on me. It happens occasionally, so no big deal. It sure scares the hell out of the wife though.

Needless to say it resulted in an overnight stay and some tests at the Louisville Veterans hospital. I hate doctor offices, medical procedures, and especially hospitals. So I always try to make the most of my time and humor my way through it.

I try to have fun and joke around with the medical staff as much as possible. Most of the time their day is filled with sick people who are feeling bad or pissed off all the time. So they get very little time to laugh or smile.


As you can see above, I took the liberty of playing around with the monitor pads while waiting to be discharged. Of course they were a little curious what happened to the signal from my monitor. No worries though, by this time, I made sure the tests already cleared me hot to leave and they were processing me to discharge. I wouldn't do it otherwise.

That said I did feel bad after because it did take a nurse away for a couple minutes that could have been working with another patient. She did get a good laugh though and she really needed it. She had a 12 hours shift and a ER so full that beds were in the hallways. I as admitted overnight, but left in the ER because there were no beds available anywhere else in the hospital.

Anyway, I have been taking the last few days to chill. I have posted a time or two. Did some engagement. Dorked around on Discord and chatted some. But mostly just enjoyed doing nothing at all for a while.

Tomorrow though I will try to get back into the swing of things and start engaging again a little more than I have been. I may even post some precious metal stuff. I even broke out the camera the last couple of days taking random pictures of silly shit that I may share. Just trying to practice my non-existent photography skills. Who knows what the day will bring.

Oh, well, I am just glad to be back at it, feeling better and ready to get back at it again.

Thanks for reading,

Make someone smile today!


Note: Image taken by my wife using iPhone

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Two can play that game!
Hello It's Me.jpg


Glad you are out of the hospital. It is never a fun spot.

Thanks. Not a big deal, it happens occasionally. I have gotten used to it. Now it is a matter of making the most of it. I just hate being so tired after one of the episodes. Your thoughts are so appreciated though. ♥️

It's good to hear things are moving in the right direction. Relax and take things easy for a while, make sure you're gtg and if you get some time engage here if you want. If not, no worries, we'll be here when you gat back. any nurses?

I'm off to hospital today myself, not for a stay, just more tests and stuff. We'll see how it goes...if I feel up to it I might chase a nurse or two. or maybe just sit at the café and have a coffee.

I wasn't able to chase any nurdes, most of mine were guys and I don't go that way. My wife was around most of the time anyway, so that put a damper on that too. Oh my I wanted a coffee so bad while there, but I couldn't eat or drink anything until right before discharge while waiting for my tests, especially coffee. I could sip water and that was it.

Best of luck with your test and good karma your way. Hope you catch a nurse...or two.

most of mine were guys and I don't go that way.

Indeed, best not to follow that path.

Thanks man, we'll see what the quack says today, endocrinologist. The plan is for a way forward that works from a life perspective (preserving it) with as low an impact as possible.


I'm sorry to read that you had some issues causing a hospital stay, but you're back home and seemingly better now so that's a good thing. Take care of yourself ok?

Becca 🌷

Yep, all good. Just same old same old stuff now. Thank you for the kinds thoughts Becca, it is really appreciated. I will do my best to take care. If I don't my better half always does a great job of doing it for me.😀

It's nice to have someone to rely upon in times of need and I get the impression you and your wife have been that person for the other many times over.

Becca 🌷

Hospital stays are tough. Glad you were able to bring some levity for yourself and a public servant. Caring professions are under appreciated

Yes, their professions are very much under appreciated. Thanks for reading.

I'm glad it wasn't too serious to keep you longer than overnight for observation. Sounds like their hospital is a busy one and probably needs to be expanded, but we all know how fast the government likes to do those things. Very slowly if at all! Did they figure out what the issue is with the old ticker?

Thanks. Yeah, it is very old and no longer can jeep up with the patient work load. They are building a new one, but it won't be done until 2025. It is already under construction. No, I already have an existing condition that causes blood pressure fluctuations and tachycardia. So, sometimes things go a little crazy. Have an appointment with cardio in a couple weeks for a follow-up. If I die, it will be because my wife hits me over the head with a frying pan first😀.

Those frying pans are dangerous brother!

Hope you feel better, buddy.

I just realized I wasn't following you. That's fixed now.

I am doing better. One day at a time. No probs about the follow. I don't pay much attention to that. It is appreciated.

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Well, one sure thing is your sense of humour doesn't let you down, good to change a scary incident around!
Seriously though, glad all is ok now, I'm sure you gave your wife a big scare!
Take care and listen to the doc @coinjoe, but keep on smiling, laughter still is the best medicine😉

Thank you. Yeah, she was worried some. In fact she was the one that made me go to the hospital. I have been listening. Resting and taking it easy.

I seem to have missed this post, I'm so sorry to read this Joe. Hopefully you are feeling a lot better now and everything is on the up and up. Get some R&R. It was nice that you were able to bring some laughter the the nurse's day - that counts. Look after yourself.

Thank you. I am doing better now. Been resting ever since then. Still resting becasue it has been raining and continues to rain here. Thank you for your kind thoughts.

I'm glad to read that. Staying snuggled in bed with a good book while it's raining is never a bad combo! Been bucketing down here for weeks as well and pretty cold too.

Been alternating between tinkering around the house, watching TV, and taking naps.😀

You are in Australia right? Try to stay warm.