What can you do with the $DHC token?

in House of the Horde2 months ago

I wanted to post a follow up post with a more detailed explanation of what you can do with the $DHC token on the WAX blockchain. Again this is not written in stone as things can change, new things can popup but here is where it stands as of today!

Publish0x What can you do with DHC.png

Liquidity Pools

The most lucrative answer is to put it to work for you passively. There are 2 officially supported platforms for DHC Liquidity pools from the Horde.

#1 Taco Swap

Taco is an entire ecosystem on the WAX blockchain. They have an amazing Liquidity system. There are normal Liquidity pools that they have and anyone can make. There are currently 11 pools right now on Taco Swap.
Screenshot 2025-01-09 115605.png
and you can swap DHC for BROKE, AQUA, BUZZ, RUGG and WAXFREN
Screenshot 2025-01-09 115615.pngYou can get to Taco Swap here: https://swap.tacocrypto.io/meal?search=DHC

But where the magic is at TacoSwap is in their M.E.A.L. pools. All a M.E.A.L. pool is a liquidity pool where you also earn daily rewards for providing liquidity.
Right now there are 3 M.E.A.L. pools that have DHC in them.

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I can't speak to the DHC/WAXART one because no idea who set that up but we will focus on the other 2 pools.

For the DHC/WAX pool there is 100 $DHC that is given out everyday proportionally to those who provide liquidity to that pair.

For the DHC/LSWAX pool there is also 100 $DHC that is given out everyday proportionally to those who provide liquidity to that pair.

The more you stake the more of that daily reward you earn. The Horde is also always trying to get free $TACO rewards adding to the DHC/WAX liquidity pool as well but that is not guaranteed each week.

On Taco Swap you can claim your rewards every day or you can let them stay there and accumulate and claim whenever you want. But I recommend claiming every day and restaking to earn even more :)

#2 Alcor Exchange

Alcor is roughly the same as Taco Swap. There are liquidity pools but on Alcor the bonus rewards are under something called "farms".You can get to Alcor here: https://alcor.exchange/positions & https://alcor.exchange/farm

There are the same 2 liquidity farms over on Alcor DHC/WAX and DHC/LSWAX

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(if you do get into the weeds make sure if you are adding liquidity utilize the 1% pools)

Once you add Liquidity you can head over to the farms: https://alcor.exchange/farm

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You can see for the DHC/LSWAX there is 3 tokens you get daily
150,000 WUF each day (split proportionally to LP users)
3.333 LSWAX each day (split proportionally to LP users)
333.333 DHC each day (split proportionally to LP users)

The DHC/WAX has 2 tokens you get daily
83.333 DHC each day (split proportionally to LP users)
83,333 WUF each day (split proportionally to LP users)

And it's the same deal, you can claim every day, or let it just sit there and claim your rewards every month or year if you want.

Buy NFT's

Most of Byron's drops that are for sale for WAX are also for sale for DHC. Some even are DHC exclusive drops.
Here are some drops that are live today

Screenshot 2025-01-09 122413.png

If you are looking to join the Discord and earn DHC from there you will need a Black Market Pass which can be bought with WAX or DHC

Screenshot 2025-01-09 122455.png https://nfthive.io/drop/nfthivedrops/10384

New NFT's are getting release all the time and DHC is going to play a bigger and bigger role in them.

Sell it

This is obvious but you can swap your DHC for WAX or other tokens (obviously if there is liquidity for them). Again you can use TacoSwap or Alcor to perform this. There are others but those are just the 2 that I personally use.