Today , I present before you an evolved character of holozing that originated from primitive Drazing. The character looks innocent but is mischevious and ferocius.
Holozing characters present very unique features and attract viewers. Here is details of making of one of them
There were many ideas in my mind when I was thinking ro draw the veradox. Being a dragon,wrath is her chracteristic property but this would be so easy as usuall all the dragons are shown in wrath. In this , I thought to give it inncent and naughty look. I started with face and when I was drawing it, autimatically the monstrous looks used to dominate but then finally aftr many attemots i was able to bring desired characteristics in face.
In the next step, Instead of agile body, I awarded my character with dome belly like mine own telling although she looks so innocent but she is still a dragon and can engulf her prey.
When the outlines was completed and structure was ready, I gave a tinge of smoke as well showing her abilities to spit fire.
And now it was time to colour my character. I ised green colour for the body, added bit maroon in fins and yellowish for smoke. For nostrilr and eye , I used black colour.