A new suit for the Water Healer!

in Holozing Community3 months ago

Hello guys!

I hope you guys are having a great day. It's past midnight here and I just finished rendering this artwork. This time I decided to give our water healer a new outfit. I didn't forget about the accessory as well. As you can see in the final version I removed some blue areas and decided to go with white itself with blue straps because I feel like this looks more futuristic to me. As for the accessory we already saw some floating ones on light healers so with that in mind I designed a new one and I made it in a way that it can be added to any other healer as well. The idea was to make it look futuristic. That's about it and this is how it turned out :)

The Art


The Process










The Result


App used: Ibis paint x

Duration: 6hrs

Pose reference

Holozing Referral

Thank you so much for your time 😊


Waooo!! Que lindo @solumviz 😍👌 madre mía, de verdad que puede vivir solo de NFTs y venderlos en OpenSea. Bueno por aquí en hive te debe ir súper bien también.

Yo llevo poco tiempo y aún pasó mucho trabajo para que me voten mis post!! Pero bueno hay que seguir perfeccionando cada día y mostrar bien contenido a los miembro como lo haces tú bro..
Saludos crack lindo día 😊🙏🏻🙏🏻🇨🇺👏

Thank you so much man. It's nice to hear that. I remember the time when I didn't have a tab when I first joined here. If you scroll to my older posts I tried my best drawing on paper and then using Ibis paint on my phone to paint it. It was really hard and I used my earnings and invested in a tab and practiced by posting for Splinterlands and other similar contests to reach this current level. I'm sure if anyone has time and interest in art they will surely succeed at it. Hive is one of those communities where artists are nurtured.

I wish you the very best in your journey here bro :)

Ohhh !! Muchas gracias bro por las palabras, pues claro las ganas de crecer no me faltarán y de superarme un poco más en hive y en el arte !! Ya con las ganancias estoy intentando comprar algunas cosas por Amazon como Rotuladores, foami mas grandes y bueno así ser más fácil y de colores más bellos los dibujos y artesanías.

Se ve tu progreso, serás bien Grande man. 😉🤜🏻🤛🏻

Es una maravilla cada una de tus creaciones

So glad to hear that :)

Oh my God. you are very talented😍