I'll get you , Holo Dust! / ホロダストゲットだぜ!

Introducing our first non-tradable material...

I see that a new HOLOZING material has been announced. The name is HOLO DUST! It is a sparkling powder.
Apparently, this material and ZING tokens are used to create in-game items.

HOLOZINGの新しい素材が発表されましたね。名前はHOLO DUST!キラキラした粉ですね。

article: Introducing our first non-tradable material, new December advent calendar and some suggestions on Zing distribution changes

Read the article... It seems that HOLO DUST and ZING are also needed to create captures for capturing creatures and their bullets, so it is decided that we will use a lot of them once the game starts. Because this is a game where creature capture and training is very important.

記事を読むと...クリーチャーを捕獲するためのキャプチャーやその弾を作成するためにもHOLO DUSTとZINGが必要らしいのでゲームが始まったら大量に使うことは決定ですね。だって、クリーチャー捕獲と育成が重要になるゲームですもんね。

If you care about Holozing even a little bit, you should get this HOLO DUST because it is said that you can get this HOLO DUST by Claiming every day in December! In the meantime, you might want to check out the site and register! 😉

12月は毎日ClaimすることでこのHOLO DUST が手に入るらしいのでちょっとでもHolozingが気になるなら手に入れておくべきです!とりあえずサイトを確認して登録しておくとよさそうですよ!😉

Click on the image below to go to the official page. *Referred URL.



By the way, I googled HOLO DUST for a bit and found a lot of nail coatings with glittery powders. 🤣

ちなみにちょっとHOLO DUSTでググってみたらキラキラした粉の入ったネイル用コーティング剤がいっぱい出てきました。🤣


I made my Claim earlier today (December 1, Japan time) and it was still November in Holozing world. 🥲
What time was the date changeover in Japan time? I think it was 9:00? So is it Greenwich Mean Time? I'll have to check tomorrow morning.


Note that I did not receive HOLO DUST just for logging in, so if you are a new registrant, you may want to delegate your HP so that you can Claim a little.

なお、ログインだけではHOLO DUSTがもらえなかったので、新規で登録した方がいたら、HPをデリゲーションして少しでもClaim出来るようにした方がいいかもしれません。

I'll write a brief description of the procedure in case you are interested.




Now, the original article had one more important thing to mention.
It seems that the amount of rewards you get for HP delegation and staking changes.

HP デリゲーションやステーキングでもらえるリワードの量が変わるようです。

HP Delegation 250k->200k / daily
Zing Staking 40k->30k / daily
Zing Collection 90k->200k / daily
Zing Liquidity 20k->30k / daily
Zing Achievement 10k->5k /daily

It looks like HP delegation and staking will drop and collection rewards will increase significantly. That means you get lots of Zing if you have an alpha vial!

HP デリゲーションやステーキングが下がって、コレクションリワードが大きく増えるようですね。つまりアルファバイアルを持ってると沢山Zingが手に入るってことだね!

I'm not sure why they raised the collection rewards all at once, but here's an excerpt from the article.



Hmmm, I'm not sure. It's possible that my translation tool doesn't translate well. Anyway, does it mean that once the beta test starts, we will get creatures from the vials or catch wild creatures to increase and dilute the total number of our collection?
I'm not sure, read the original article to confirm.


At any rate, an increase in the percentage of collection rewards means my rewards should increase. Yay. 😋
