Holozing: Rewards Review (Lets Run Some Numbers)

in Holozing Community3 months ago (edited)

It's a few days into 2025 and that means the December advent calendar that Holozing was promoting has now ended. I unfortunately somehow managed to miss four days of claims. I was on a roll with claiming 18 days straight but the old ball and chain drug me around doing errands on day 19 which meant I missed my claim. Of course missing the claim was my own fault, I'm just having a little fun with my wording. Once that first day was missed it made it easier to miss another. The holidays is a busy time of year here at the @rentmoney household and thus that business left me unable to claim days 23/25 and New Years Eve. But hey, that isn't so bad, I did get a nice consolation prize of 144.7 Holo-dust for the claims I did make and there isn't anything wrong with that. If we take a look at those numbers that means I claimed 27/31 days. This gives us an average of 5.33 Holo-dust that was dropped daily to @rentmoney.


I figured since I was looking at my dropped Holo-Dust rewards it be a good time to take another peek at the APR's that staking, delegating, and the liquidity pool offer. Currently I'm not participating in the liquidity pool but it does offer a staggering 67% APR. I know that looks very tempting but I implore you to research how Liquidity Pools work before jumping in on that action. Once you do that research and think you are finished, do some more. Research done, great; the pool you are looking for can be found on TribalDex located right here on the Hive Blockchain. I might not be currently participating in the Liquidity Pool but I am participating in delegating my Hive Tokens in exchange for daily ZING Token drops. Lets take a look at that APR: 9.00%. In fairness that isn't too bad at all when we consider we can use that 9% return to get an additional 6.97% APR for staking the ZING Rewards earned. For the time being I will keep my outgoing Hive Power delegation to support the Holozing project. I am thinking about jumping into that pool and making it my main focus for dropped ZING . I won't be doing that today but its a thought that needs more thinking.


Click The Below URL To Get Started Today;

-------------------------------> : www.holozing.com

Note: Hive KeyChain is needed to Sign in to Holozing

How To Install KeyChain

As noted Keychain will be needed to login to the HOLOZING webpage. Regardless of if you are participating in HOLOZING or not the secure log in app for the Hive Blockchain known as Keychain is something every HIVE Blockchain user should look into. The app makes HIVE account switching a breeze and keeps our Hive Blockchain keys safe.


Screenshots have been taken from the official Holozing webpage. The grin images have been taken from ImageFlip and is free-use. No financial advice has been given in this post. The @rentmoney blog is for entertainment only. In fact @rentmoney routinely makes bad financial decisions and its not wise to follow his lead. The Hive Price of a Vial is forever changing based on the Hive Tokens USD value. Thanks for reading: see you next time, same rent blog; same rent channel!

Upcoming Content:

I fell a little behind these last couple days. The Rewards for our Decemeber 24th post will be going out in the next 24 hours. My apologies for the late distribution. We will have some more gaming content posted in the upcoming days so stay tuned if that sort of thing interest you. Did you participate in the Advent Calendar event? If so let us know your stats (Dropped Holo-Dust, Missed Days) below in the comment section.

Click Here Join Holozing Today

Alpha Vials Are Still Available In The Holozing Shop


Each Holozing Alpha Vial enables you to unlock the Holo Cube to reveal a powerful starter creature and alpha-designed starter items being released from the Vial. Alpha Vials will only be available for the Alpha duration of the game and will be replaced by Beta Vials as the game enters Beta.

Alpha starter creatures cannot be captured in the wild but will continue to be sold in future vials although with much lower drop-chance. Items listed below can be crafted by player healers through the leveling of their professions but the designs included in the Alpha Vial will be limited to it.

Read the full announcement HERE.

x1 Alpha Starter Creature which can evolve
x1 Alpha Healing Gloves
x1 Alpha Capture Cards
x1 Alpha Capture Ammo
x1 Alpha Starter Potions & Elixirs
x1 Alpha-themed Creature and Healer food & water

May Include:

x1 Alpha Capture Device
x1 Alpha Healer Mount
x1 Alpha Backpack


Click anywhere on this highlighted link to be directed to a post that has the HOLOZING Whitepaper links. The whitepaper is written in Multiple languages.


I ended up missing one day somehow, mostly as a result of not paying enough attention to UTC vs. US PDT. I rarely do well at "all or nothing" challenges!

149.3 Holodust, in the end. Managed to get both a 10.922 and a 1.010 claim.

Not paying attention to Time Zones is the reason I missed my first day. I bet it happened to more than just us two. I had a theory that the more hours between a claim the better chance at higher dust. I never paid attention so I have no clue if my theory was correct. Good job with missing just one day.

I completed it! I hope this game finally gets released this year.

Congrats, with Hive Pumping it might give some motivation.

Sad to not get 100%, I ended up only missing 1 day myself.

got 185 Holodust total



185, nicely done.

Once I missed that first day I was toast.

129.2 dust for me in 21 days. I got a late start and then missed another day around Christmas. The December rewards has got me interested in the collection rewards. I'm getting like 2 Zing a day from that.

That's a decent amount over 21 days.

Lots of ways to get dropped ZING, set and forget + earn :)


Comment rewarder is activated on this post. I will be given out 1/2% votes. This will allow my Vote Power to replenish but still reward those who interact within the comment section. After post payout, @commentrewarder will hand out rewards on my behalf to those I voted within three days of post creation.

@rentmoney, I paid out 0.921 HIVE and 0.485 HBD to reward 5 comments in this discussion thread.

Thanks for the help in doing that.


It in fact is bad objectively because HP is the baseline.
It is not made any better by the fact that the byproduct has an even worse apr.

most projects get to this phase, this is just the opening "mining phase" any way right?

Thanks for doing the math I like math.


I only presented the current APR numbers with my opinion on them, no math or deep dive. You speak as if the byproduct having a worse APR than the HP delegation gives is a bad thing. The fact that the byproduct gives APR at all makes the original staking more appealing. There could of easily been no APR for the byproduct and I'd imagine HP would still get delegated. Hive sitting idle staked: 2.77% APR / Getting curation returns 9%+ takes some effort. HBD when staked 15%. Placed against these commonly utilized APR's the APR of 9% + 6%+ on byproduct is competitive. As for the end byproduct of each of these different types of APR's, of course that matters as well. So does trade volume and other factors as futures. I think most that delegate understand that and take on that risk for many different reasons. The main one being we hope the startup succeeds and becomes a net positive for the Hive Blockchain, our delegations makes us apart of creating that success; if it were to happen.