Holo everyone!
We're happy to announce that we have released the
Alpha Vials' sale today!
Alpha Design
Here's what you need to know about them!
The Alpha Edition Vials will be time-limited but
not amount-limited. This is done to prevent a
few large buyers from cornering the market
and adding a premium price for re-sale value.
Everyone has enough time to purchase a Alpha
Edition Vial for the Alpha duration of our game.
The scarcity of Vials will thus be in the hands of
the community!
Starter items in the Alpha Vial will have a limited
design that will only exist in these vials. While
there will be similar items in the game for players
to craft or purchase from Beta Vials, the looks
won't be the same.
Better odds
While the 4 starter creatures won't be fully limited
to our Alpha Vials, you are guaranteed to get one
when opening them. Their stat rarity odds will
be slightly higher in the Alpha Vials compared to
Beta vials where they will also have much smaller
odds of being pulled from as we'll introduce Beta
Starter Creatures by then. The same thing applies
to item rarity found in Alpha Vials.
Open or Hodlo
As a collector of the Alpha Vials, you can choose
if you want to open the vial up in a future release
or hold to trade later. As they will be time-limited
some of you may value to open them up at a
later date or save some for friends and family for
special occasions! Zing Collection rewards will
vary over time for unopened Vials.
Provably Fair
When opening up the Vial, you can rest assured
that the odds are in your hands. Provably fair
technology makes it possible for you to verify that
no one messed with your odds while ensuring no
insiders were able to cherry-pick when to open
Vials up for increased rarity results.
Achievement Discount
Those of you who have collected the Holozing
Advent Calendar achievement in 2023 will enjoy a
discounted first Alpha Vial based on the amount
of days you claimed zing rewards. If you claimed
on only 1 day you'll receive a 1% discount up to a
31% discount for those who claimed daily! This
discount will only apply to one pack and will also
be valid for a healer mint!
The Holozing Alpha packs will be priced at $20.
We have spent a lot of time ensuring the contents
of the vials and the access it will give healers will
be worth the price point while at the same time
making it costly for potential abusers to risk being
bad healers!
Starter Creatures
The Alpha Vial wil guarantee one of the 4
Holozing starter creatures, these will not be
capturable in-game but may drop at significant
lower odds in Beta Vials to prevent a very limited
future supply. They can evolve as showcased in
this blogpost.
The starter creatures have increased rarity odds
when being pulled from the Alpha Vial compared
to future Vials as well as increased odds of
Radiant variations as explained in this blogpost.
They will also come inside an Alpha designed
Capture Card of different rarities.
Starter tems
•Guaranteed 1x Alpha Healing Gloves - Healer
Class restricted with different rarities based
on stats, equippable at level 1. Healing
Gloves will be required to use your healing
abilities in-game!
•Guaranteed 1-6x Alpha Designed Capture
Cards - This is where Holo creatures reside
upon successful capture with a limited
design that can't be crafted by player
professions. These will come in different
class type restrictions with their own looks
(Water, Grass, Fire and Electric) as welI
as some rarer variations with no class
•Guaranteed 1-3x Alpha Designed Capture
Ammo -these energy magazines will power
your capture device for wild Holo creature
capture attempts! They come in different
raritioc with theluck ctat........
•Guaranteed 1-3x Alpha Designed Capture
Ammo - these energy magazines will power
your capture device for wild Holo creature
capture attempts! They come in different
rarities with the Luck stat.
• Guaranteed Starter Potions or Elixirs
these will be used to replenish healer mana
instantly or boost your mana regeneration
and healing powers temporarily to make
battles more efficient.
• Guaranteed Alpha-themed Creature or Healer
food & water - these will help replenish
Creature moves and healer ability points
along with Healer mana over time off-battle
• Alpha Designed Capture Device - comes
in different rarities with varying Luck stat
compatible with Alpha Designed Capture
• Alpha Healer Mount - to make traveling in
our future game faster, this comes in two
variants; an alpha-themed bike or hoverboard
in two different rarities and class-restricted.
• Alpha Healer Backpack - to fit in all your items
during your travels, comes in different rarities
which determine size and is class restricted
as well.
Since we have previews to past blog posts in
all the items above except for Alpha Designed
Capture Cards, we wanted to give you a sneak
peek of how they will look while keeping the rest a
secret until the opening of Vials is released.
This is our Water Type Alpha Designed Capture
Card with no creature captured yet:
The buttons on the cards will represent the
4 main stats for each creature, HP, ATTACK,
DEFENSE and AGILITY. They will showcase the
exact value of the creature upon capture while
also determining the rarity in its respective color.
The level button will highlight the average rarity of
all 4 stats combined as well as show the current
level of the creature.
Zing Collection Rewards
For Alpha Vial and achievement holders, they will
be able to earn our in-game token Zing based
on collection rewards. While the soulbound
achievement holders have already been claiming
1k staked zing per day, we will be assigning a
weight to Alpha Vials and increasing the zing
distribution to 100k zing per day with majority
noing to Alnha Vial holders This feature isn't live
Zing Collection Rewards
For Alpha Vial and achievement holders, they will
be able to earn our in-game token Zing based
on collection rewards. While the soulbound
achievement holders have already been claiming
1k staked zing per day, we will be assigning a
weight to Alpha Vials and increasing the zing
distribution to 100k zing per day with majority
going to Alpha Vial holders. This feature isn't live
yet to give collectors a fair chance of reading
the announcement and getting their Alpha Vials,
we expect this to go live in a few days and will
announce it by then.
Over time we will adjust the Zing distribution
based on Alpha Vial purchases and Hive Power
delegations, we will be holding a zing-staked poll
to get feedback from the community on these
adjustments. While it may sound like a lot of Zing
going towards Vial holders, with the upcoming
opening we will further adjust the weight of
collection rewards to favor those opening their
Vials and it being based on amount and rarity of
creatures and items they hold.
This will then be further diluted when the game
enters Beta as collectors will be able to craft
items and capture creatures all with their own
weight on the Zing distributed to Collection
rewards while having rewarded early supporters
of Vials and achievements along the way.
Referral rewards
With the removal of "'setting a referrer" option the
only way to get more referrers now is by inviting
new players over using your referral link. Players
purchasing Vials will give referrers a lifetime 5% in
the token they've been purchased in (Hive/HBD).
Future methods of acquiring Vials through other
crypto and fiat will give referrers the option to
pick if they want the 5% in Hive/HBD or Zing.
Things to know
The official symbol for our Alpha Vials on
hive-engine is ZINGALPHA. Be aware that
we haven't enabled a market for them yet but
players can trade them peer2peer. We'll enable
the market along with Zing collection reward
adjustment in a few days.
Referral rewards should be granted to referrers
Upon purchase of Vials, they should show up in
the inventory page after a few seconds.
If you stumble upon any issues, jump in our
Shop page: https://holozing. com/shop
Inventory page: https://holozing.com/inventory
Discord server's #support channel and let us
If you stumble upon any issues, jump in our
After a year and two days since our
second method to help crowdfund development
and the team behind the project. While Hive
Power delegations have been great for a
bootstrap, we're hoping this will enable us to up
the pace of development, hire more devs and
users to assist us in different ways and to bring a
polished beta game to you as soon as possible.
Thank you all for your support throughout this
volatile year and your continued activity and
amazing contributions to our community. We look
forward to the future of the Zing ecosystem in
excitement and are grateful to have you along for
the ride
Discord server's #support channel and let us
announcement of @holozing this is officially the