Normal Type 🩶🩶🩶


Hopefully you all are doing well. I came here agin with a new and aesthetic post . This time I did'nt any change in thus type of art. I made Normal Type as it is .. I am very excited to show my art to this . I hope you will like it. Normal Type is 9f grey cokour. As you all know that am not too much in skecthing but I tried my best

Here I had shared the final Look of my art. Let me show you.

     **Final Look**


Led pencil



Careon colours


First of all I started to draw the sketch of the normal type. It is just looking like a dragin but not a dragon. As usuall I tried from the face. I started to draw his face. First of all I draw his face and his horns..

I draw the ficial material for example the eyes, mouth and his nose etc.. let me show you.

I started to draw his body . I draw his tale and I also drew his one arm and his one foot . I had shared the picture here.

I completed the sketch of the body of normal type. I had shared a picture here.

I darkens the whole sketch with the help of the led pencile.

I made his eyes. I coloured dark black in inner eyes and light grey in outer. Let me show you all .

Outlining and Colouring

I started to do the careons colour in the face of the normal type i had not the grey cokour so I did the light black colour and spread tmit by finger and it becomes grey . Let me show you.

It is not looking too much well so
I started to outlined the whole sketch with the help of black marker . Let me show you after outlining.

I did the grey colour in the same way in his body including arms and legs etc. i had shared the picture here.

I started to olour pink in tounge. Now there is something missing . I realized there is a wing to I started to tried to make a beautifull wing. Let me show you.

I outlined the wing. I also colour the hard form of the wing grey and let blank another part. Now it is complete. Here is the final Look of the Normal Type.

I hope you will like it. I will come vack soon with a new post Inshahallah.

Thank you so much for visiting my post and loving it a lot

Allah Hafiz and Take Care

See you later

Love a lot


You tried your best and your drawing came out well, well done and cheers to more artistic works😃

Thank you.