Holozing Review

Good morning to all the trainers out there, It's always a pleasure to engage with the community and discuss all things Holozing. There's been a lot of buzz lately about the news that the developers have been sharing, and I think it's all very exciting. In particular, Acid's posts have been full of great ideas and insights into the future of the game. I'd love to talk about all the possibilities that lie ahead.

From what we've seen so far, it seems that Holozing is taking a different approach to the conventional packs that other games offer. Rather than just offering randomized packs of cards, it seems that each pack of creatures will be encased in a unique tube. And although the developers have confirmed that the creatures will be in the form of cards, it seems that the concept of 3D creatures is still very much alive, and may even be something that they're working on in the background. It's exciting to speculate on what the final product might look like.

Although the idea of 3D creatures is definitely intriguing, I think that the 2D style is a better fit for games like Holozing. Not only is it more cost-effective, but it also feels more nostalgic and true to the genre. That's not to say that the developers shouldn't push the boundaries and try something new, but I think the 2D style has a lot of merit and potential.

From what I understand, the Alpha version of Holozing will essentially be a prototype of the game, where the developers can test out basic mechanics and features. It's kind of like a barebones version of the game, before all the bells and whistles are added. This will give them a chance to make sure that the gameplay is solid and the overall vision is working as intended.

I'm really impressed by the attention to detail that the developers are showing with the pricing and rewards structure of Holozing. It's great to see that they're taking the time to reward players who are active on the forums and contributing to the community. Not only that, but the idea of discounts for loyal players is a great way to show appreciation for those who have been with the game from the start.

The special collection rewards for the early buyers of Holozing's first vials is a very interesting concept. It's a great way to incentivize early support for the game, and it will be exciting to see what kind of rewards will be included in these collections.

Holozing's crafting system will have a lot of variety. Items will be crafted based on a player's profession, and they will have unique features. This makes it unlikely that any two items will be alike.

The more I learn about Holozing, the more excited I get about the game! The designs look amazing, and the fact that the item designs are unique is very interesting. I'm curious to see how the evolutions will play out. It sounds like they're making great progress, and I'm hoping to see some gameplay this year as well.


No doubt the acidos posts give a jive insight of the game. The game js shopping well and hope will be live in coming quarter. The vial system look cool but the packs looks expensive as compare to other games. For sure it will help the game development but may be effect the small players.