what's up everyone I became irregular again for a few days. Basically it has to be like this for my own work. Even in these big 3 days I could not do any art. Anyway, I had a lot of time today so I made this one. .
I made a unique art of Forest Healer. I made this art many days ago. I drew the lines of this art about 10 to 12 days ago. Another combination I already posted was that of a female forest healer. I wanted to post these two together. But it didn't happen. Finally I rearranged it by adding some new lines.
I first drew it where he just put his hand in his pocket. But I wanted to add an armor globe to its arm. Much like the hand of Thanos. Now there is no need to know Thanos. We all know this legendary villain. However, I wanted to mimic that stone-set hand of hers.But it doesn't fit the stones that way here. So I left it out. Instead, I just added the golden hand. How does it look to you now? A handsome fit boy stands with golden globes in hand. Gives a stylish vibe here. Anyway one I drew with Illustrator software. And here are some pictures of how to draw it. I hope you like it. thank you
He does look handsome and intimidating!