Female forest healer fanart .

new hwlar 1-01.jpg

what's up everyone ? Hope everyone is well. I'm not so good because my favorite laptop broke today. And this art was my last art there. The incident happened yesterday. I just had a few photos exported to another drive so I can put them here. And all my other files are fully formatted. I use separate drives for my various work.

My art files are usually on the C drive. After I finished the art and exported some images, I went to eat. After that my laptop suddenly turned off and after that I could not turn it on. This is mainly due to the fatal up and down voltage of our house electricity.

Anyway, writing this post after getting the laptop fixed. Art was by Forrest Hiller. There was a plan to make it nicer, like here Forest Healer is in a running position with a Chirpily flying by his side but that didn't work out. Couldn't give too many process pictures of it here. Hope I can make the next art better than this one. thank you

new hwlar 12-01.jpg

new hwlar 1 2-01.jpg

new hwlar 1ds-01.jpg