Female forest healer fanart .


Hello Holozingers . How are you all ? I am quite well. I would like to say a big thank you to @zing.fanart for putting my art in your fan art list. And special thanks to @kstreet. Thank you so much for giving so much importance to my art. For your support I got interested in art.

So I came up with another art another art of female forest filler. I got the idea of the art from the movie Black Widow. I also created my previous art with the same idea . But this time I did something different. I made some variation in her dress. This time I dressed my character in a white long court with a white suit. I was watching this in a movie. But I don't remember the name of the movie. Alien type movie.

However, I did it mostly from the fantasy genre. I used Illustrator software to draw it. I took a lot of time for this. Because it takes quite a bit of time to properly shape what I thought. I am very pleased with the final result. Hope you like it.






It seems to be the favorite character of the majority! I have seen some very good artistic drawings that show a lot of commitment.

In this case we find a drawing with a lot of fantasy details that make it of much visual interest. The appearance is extremely friendly and we can imagine that so is the character in question. Very well done indeed!