Fan Art: Amaru, a Two Elements creature, with an attack called: "Fulminating Fire". Creature inspired by Holozing.

Hey, Hey, here's the @lacochinaensalsa!

I've been lost these past few months, life has been full of things and I haven't been able to take the necessary break. These days will be a little easier for me and that's why I'll be sharing with you my art inspired by Holozing. I love to draw, I listen to Queen while I draw and the world seems to fill with energy and good vibes in one go. Today I present to you a creature, inspired by two elements: Water and Air. Its name is: Amaru.


Amaru It is a kind of semi-scaly creature, I love that and I have placed a simulation of it as a detail at the tip of the tail and at the end of the back. Its large and tender eyes are almost a hook to confuse its opponents. Despite being a creature inspired by two very opposite elements, such as air and water, it allows it to live peacefully in humid and solitary areas. The colors that dominate its body, such as blue and purple, allow it to camouflage itself very well under water if it warrants it. Generally you can find it in ancient caves, with large spaces full of water and rocks. On the other hand, its wings give it that flying touch, being able to quickly flee to the sky if it feels very threatened. It has strong claws, life was good and it was rewarded with claws made of gold and bone. One of the strongest attacks it has is "Fulminating Fire", where it takes large amounts of water that it expels in strong jets in seconds, the water turns reddish due to its high temperature and mixed with a little acid that rots its glands.


It had been a long time since I could draw something, just for the pleasure of it. I had been doing a lot of creative things, but outside of other projects far from Holozing. I had a lot of fun, the creation process took me about 3 hours. It was almost 2 am when I finished it, but I couldn't be happier and more satisfied.


Let's quickly see Drawing process:

As resources, I used my tablet, digital pencil and Medibang Paint as a drawing program. To start, I made a quick sketch, just to better locate the parts on the canvas that I will later draw. Then I moved on to a phase of more orderly strokes combined with a phase of cleaning up the drawing.


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Once the sketch was finished, I moved on to color it. For the bases I always use the quick color can, some details are painted manually.



Now I'll move on to the shadows, lights, details stage. And the EYES, this is the true context for me of: "Trust the process." 🤣
For the details I use tools like: blur, water-based acrylic brush, airbrush, sprayer. While doing the details of the eyes, boom, the program crashed and I lost the progress made on the eyes. I had to do it again, because I didn't save every change I made 😒.





For the background, I used a thick graphite pencil with a wide width, I like that rough look. Also combined with the spray in another lighter tone. The blue background, that color is loved. haha.


Here the final result:


Amaru is undoubtedly a beauty, as well as deadly.

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For this occasion, it seems to be everything. If you made it this far, thank you very much for your time. Greetings, La Cochina en Salsa says goodbye.

Drawing Program: Medibang Paint.
Translation: Google Translator.
Texts, photographs, screenshots and editions of my authorship/original content.




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