Pumped for my Soulbound NFT!

in Holozing Community8 months ago

I'm happy the team is healthy and back at work! I knew it wouldn't be long after that we'd get some amazing updates and they didn't disappoint.

You are now looking at the proud owner of a holo-grade soulbound NFT! The still image doesn't do it justice, but I'm traveling and can't create a video. The card shimmers and the holo colors are constantly moving. It's really cool.


Also, there is a lot about a soulbound NFT that appeals to me. It's an NFT and it comes with some monetary benefit (collection rewards), but a whale can't come in a year from now and buy one. You have to actually have been in the community and actively participating. There are only 166 holo versions of this NFT, and no other accounts will ever have them.

That's cool.

It also makes sure I'll never risk cheating/botting with this Hive account (not that I would have!). But now I have something at stake. If I were to be caught cheating, I can't just transfer this NFT to a new account and start over.

This is a really well-thought out system that combines scarcity, monetary reward, and incentivizes fair play. Brilliant!

Reward Update

Love seeing those collection rewards rolling in! Here's where I'm at:


That ZING staking APR is pretty nice, too!


So Kudos to the team for seamlessly rolling out this new reward system. It's obvious it was carefully designed. Can't wait to see what's next!


dang u got the one with everyday TT i missed one day

You’ve got some cool $Zing staking rewards
Nice one!

I got mine too :) Kudos to the team for such a well-designed reward system that keeps things fair and exciting. Can’t wait to see what comes next!

Holo-Achievement owner here! Now the goal will be to own every single future achivement in its holo-version 😂