Female Forest Healer with African Braids | Healer traits contest

in Holozing Community11 months ago

Happy weekend dear members of the holozing community. I hope your week was fruitful and you achieved your goals. You've got to take out some good time to rest and refresh.

Today, I decided to create this Holozing healer fan art and also make an entry for the Healer traits contest. I made a tweak in the healer's hair, giving it an African look with the African braid called "bun".

The forest healer's main environment is the forest and Africa is a place of thick forest, especially, the rainforest zone I hail from.

It is a pen art and I framed the final product into a portraiture to hang on the wall of my friend's office.

Tools and Materials

This was foremostly a pen art. Black, Green, and Red colored 0.7mm point veiao pens were used for the art creation. I drew on a white A4 plain paper, 75mg. Let us get in to see how the drawing and rendering went.

1. Griding and Facial Sketch

For my pen sketch, I made grids targeted at helping me capture the facial details of the healer. The grids would help me position the eye,m nose and mouth of the female healer.

Body Frame

After the head sketch, I framed the body of the healer as follows. I first framed the entire body width and then indicated important details like the necklace, bustline and coat.

I then added the holozing forest healer design.

Sketching the Hair (New trait)

If you noticed, my art was hairless all along. I had to sketch the frame of the hairstyle -bun. It is an African braid where all the weaved hair is packed up.

Defining Outline

I used the black pen to highlight the main shape of the healer except the hair because I needed to make some more details and be sure.

Pen rendering

I started the rendering using the green pen to mark the holozing forest design, the healer necklace, and the hand strap of the coat. This was followed by using the black pen to give dots to replace the black plain underdress. I used the red pen for the mouth and undercoat design. I painted other facial details too.

A Clearer Hair Design

I again returned to the hair trait to mark the braids. I still had one strap running through the healer's face.

ready Pen art

My pen art was ready at this point.

Framing Materials

The framed portrait on the office wall.

Please rate my pen art. I'll be glad to learn from your reviews.

Thank you Holozing for creating this opportunity to engage art.