The Alpha characters called: Zappity.


I'm really excited to be part of this community. I was introduced to this community a few days ago when I was doing so community research, and to be honest, I was impressed by the sense of art in the holozing community.

Firstly, greetings to the holozing community. I have come to acknowledge that this is one of the outstanding communities on Hive; not only do they allow freedom when it comes to art, but let's not forget the delegation of HP. That's another progress I had to acknowledge in the community.

So today I wanted to be part of the content. I'm not much of an artist, you know, handling drawing tools, but I do try my best from time to time, especially when I'm less busy and want to explore. I love to draw the simplest things. So today I want to feed your eyes with one of the Alpha characters called Zappity. I don't know why I feel like he's some cool character. Get me right, all the alphas are unique in their own way, but Zappity just caught all my attention at first sight.

So today I got to work. Funny how the pencil and pen I thought of giving out to my younger siblings came to my rescue. I was able to start the sketching with ease. I made a few mistakes, which was good because I make a lot of mistakes while drawing, so this was more like the universe was on my side while I got all the curves and angles of my character.


So who's this Alpha called Zappity?

Zappity evolves from Zappit. He's quick and has higher agility than most other starters, meaning when it hits you, there's a higher chance you're down for the count. While its specialty is kicks, which is normal for a rabbit, its punches are no joke either. On top of it all, it can give a mean slap to those ears. He's an all-round damage machine, with many attacks also coming at you with an electric-type charge that'll leave other creatures shocked. From the post








Zappity is really unique, and he's a rabbit, which I love and adore rabbits. He just looks much more powerful than a real rabbit, and those legs are put to use, as explained above. Kicking is his specialty, and let's not forget those hands set in punching mode. I just really admire his skills and how much he puts those skills to use. The same is true of all the alphas who are skilled too.

So far, these are the results. This took me two hours because of the in-between breaks, but I'm happy with the results. I hope you like it too. Thanks for checking out this post.


That leg kicking from the normal rabbit is going to work well whenever the game would be lunched.