An artificially created creature - Holozing fanart

in Holozing Community9 months ago

Hello community, today I come to show you a drawing made for holozing, I wanted to do something different, giving an air of seriousness to this world of cute creatures and this is the story behind this drawing, I hope you like it:

Every story must have a kind of villain or antagonist, so this was the role I gave to this water healer. Having dark feelings in her heart, she could not have an affinity with any creature since they perceived a certain degree of evil in her, so she used her scientific knowledge and by experimenting with the creatures of his world she managed to create a kind of deformed homonculus covered in bandages capable of levitating, her affinity with this artificial holozing exceeds 100% which makes him very dangerous by not taking into account his own life when it came to protecting its creator, she being a water healer, the powers that this artificial holozing acquired were water-like, the body under the bandages resembles water although it is more like a non-Newtonian liquid, becoming rigid to fast and strong impacts making it a great tank that also works when attacking with its extremities, these upon impact harden making the blow stronger and at the same time being a viscous liquid upon soft contact and with its large mouth it can make close-range bite attacks.

Hola comunidad, el dia de hoy vengo a mostrarles un dibujo hecho para holozing, quise hacer algo diferente, dandole un aire de seriedad a este mundo de criaturas lindas y esta es la historia detras de este dibujo, espero les guste:

toda historia debe poseer una especie de villano o antagonista asi que este fue el rol que le di a esta sanadora de agua, al tener sentimientos oscuros en su corazon no lograba tener afinidad con ninguna criatura ya que percibían en ella cierto grado de maldad, asi que utilizo sus conocimientos cientificos y al experimentar con las criaturas de su mundo logro crear una especie de homonculo deforme cubierto en bendajes capaz de levitar, su afinidad con este holozing artificial excede el 100% lo que lo hace muy peligroso al no tener en cuenta su propia vida a la hora de proteger a su creadora, siendo ella una sanadora de agua, los poderes que acquirio este holozing artificial fueron de agua, el cuerpo debajo de los bendajes se asemeja al agua aunque es mas como un un liquido no newtoniano, haciendose rigido a los impactos rapidos y fuertes haciendolo un gran tanque que funciona tambien al momento de atacar con sus extremidades, estos al impactar, se endurecen haciendo el golpe mas fuerte y a su vez siendo un liquido viscoso ante el contacto suave y con su gran boca puede hacer ataques de mordida a corto alcance.









$PIZZA slices delivered:
(7/10) @danzocal tipped @gooze

This drawing! Wow, it is really really nice! don't mind I said really twice because I do like it!

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Thank you so much. really really appreciated.
