Happy beginning of the week dear Hivers, how are you doing? I hope very well because with much joy I bring you again another of my artistic moments (which are not usually many 😅) and this time of another little friend who joins the family not only of my drawings, but also of the new creatures of the incredible upcoming game Holozing, one that is expected with great anxiety for all those who are lovers of video games and even more for its inspiration in such incredible mythical anime series that grew up with many of us (including me).
To not make the introduction longer, I decided to use my eagle eye and get down to work to give life through pencil and paper..... or rather, Mouse and pc? 🤔, you understand 😂. The important thing here is that you will be able to see a fanart of Fal.

Fal as I mentioned is one of the new creatures shown, along with their evolutions which I must say that promise a lot, and it begins to have variety in terms of classes and types of creatures, arousing the interest of all those who like to build their teams based on their strengths and to generate different strategies .... But although all this sounds very interesting, the story of this post does not go here 😁. We are going to give entrance to the art showing the step by step and discover what was the final result remembering that here yours truly is not an artist, but he is someone who gives his best effort to offer something of quality.
Now yes, first step. If you have already been in any of my artistic posts you will know what this first step is about.
As in previous occasions and to my personal taste that makes my work much easier, I like to start with a reference point, a part of the creature that helps me to identify also the center of the canvas. This is an advice that can be taken by all those who, like me, are not so experienced in drawing.
Once we have this reference point, we will begin to shape our creature (Fal), in my case I decided to start with the head, Fal has a kind of mask formed by his plumage, it gives him a lot of personality, so we must strive to achieve a good finish.
Being a first stage of the creature or basic form, it does not have great size, and with the simple fact of drawing the head, we will practically have almost all the figure covered, we would only have to draw a very characteristic part of its body which are its wings, which like its eyes are also a very essential part in giving it relevance.
As I told you that being a basic shape, this will mean that by drawing small strokes of his body we will be practically completing the drawing, it will only be shaping and molding within our capabilities as accurate as possible so that anyone can identify without any problem that is the drawing, regardless of whether or not Holozing knows.
An added detail that lately I like to add is a greeting from the little creature 😂, it gives it that distinctive and at the same time wraps it in an aura of sympathy.
Once the silhouette or the base of our FAL drawing is finished, it is time to give it color, a third factor that joins the previous ones in points of importance to highlight our work of art, in this case digital.
Guided by the characteristic colors of FAL we will fill in those spaces just as we did in our childhood with the drawing blogs 😄.
Another detail that I like to share whenever I have the opportunity is the importance of the depth that gives the lighting and shadow to the works of art, a technique that once mastered helps us to enhance the level of our drawings, even those simple ones take a professional look that makes the viewer doubt the experience of the artist, and the truth is that this technique is not difficult, it is only a matter of knowing how to use the tools and know how to locate us in terms of the direction that will provide the light and therefore the opposite direction will be the shadow.
With this and a canvas background of striking color we finish this work of digital art. Remaining only pending to give him some other retouching that has not convinced us, these are the advantages of digital drawing, giving us the possibility to fix any error without having to start the whole process from scratch.
Final Result
Here I share with you as an added bonus a small gif of all the step by steps, maybe it can give you a better idea of how to carry a continuity if the written step by step is not your thing 😅.
This section is something new that I decided to add, it gives that complement that every art post should have...Thanks to the fact that I am very curious I discovered that the tool as basic as Paint offers us. This is another factor that I must emphasize, that it is not necessary so expensive or elaborate drawing tools, as long as we have the desire to do a good job, even with pencil and paper we will achieve a good finish.
So I hope you liked this humble but for many useful work full of a tip or two. Until next time Hivers!
The text is entirely my own
drawing program used: paint
The translation was done with translator: Deepl