Hola amigos de Holozing! Bienvenidos! Les deseo una muy feliz noche!😊👋❤️💕
Hello Holozing friends! Welcome! I wish you a very happy night!😊👋❤️💕
LIGHT HEALER , uno de los personajes más lindos del juego Holozing, pero en su versión masculina. Quería hacer algo diferente para este healer masculino porque me gusta apreciar cómo queda la masculinidad, valga la redundancia, en los dibujos y esto en muy pocas ocasiones lo he hecho, más que todo he ilustrado personajes femeninos. Así que me enfoqué más en su expresión y facciones, en una perspectiva serena y en reposo con ojos cerrados. Es algo diferente pero me gustó el retrato.Quiero dar un cordial saludo a esta querida comunidad de @Holozing y también mis saludos para @Acidyo, de igual forma no quería dejar de saludar a el artista @Craizuss 🌟 . Y nuevamente me presento con otra versión de Healer, y deseaba compartirles uno que me ha gustado mucho y que he dibujado con mucho cariño. Se trata del
Su aspecto es muy elegante y refinado, con un kimono blanco y negro con franjas doradas que le da un aire de nobleza y pureza. Su cabello es blanco y liso, de un tono algo grisaceo con algo de saturación claro que contrasta con su piel. Su rostro es fino y delicado, con unos labios suaves y una nariz bien definida. Sus ojos con párpados dorados reflejan que son de un color amarillo intenso, que realza su poder y su sabiduría. Para mi versión masculina, quise conservar algunos de los elementos característicos del healer base, pero también hacer algunos cambios para darle un toque más personal a mi estilo. Le cambié la corona que lleva en la cabeza por una más gruesa y más rústica. También le puse unos brazaletes que sostienen su kimono en sus brazos, volviendo un poco a lo tradicional con su vestimenta y accesorios al estilo samurái. Me gustó captar su esencia masculina a pesar de ser un personaje al estilo japonés. También le agregué un color dorado sobre sus párpados para hacer referencia a sus ojos amarillos, que están cerrados en una actitud de meditación y tranquilidad. Me gustó y espero disfruten este retrato!🙂🎨💕💫
LIGHT HEALER , one of the cutest characters in the game Holozing, but in the male version of him. I wanted to do something different for this male healer because I like to appreciate how masculinity looks, pardon the redundancy, in the drawings and I have very rarely done this, mostly I have illustrated female characters. So I focused more on his expression and features, on a serene and resting perspective with eyes closed. It's something different but I liked the portrait.I want to give a cordial greeting to this dear community of @Holozing and also my greetings to @Acidyo, in the same way I did not want to stop greeting the artist @Craizuss 🌟. And once again I present myself with another version of Healer, and I wanted to share with you one that I really liked and that I have drawn with great love. This is
His appearance is very elegant and refined, with a black and white kimono with gold stripes that gives him an air of nobility and purity. His hair is white and straight, a somewhat grayish tone with some light saturation that contrasts with his skin. Her face is fine and delicate, with soft lips and a well-defined nose. His golden-lidded eyes reflect that they are an intense yellow color, which enhances his power and his wisdom. For my male version, I wanted to keep some of the characteristic elements of the base healer, but also make some changes to give a more personal touch to my style. I changed the crown on his head for a thicker and more rustic one. I also put some bracelets on him that hold his kimono in his arms, going back a little to the traditional with his samurai-style clothing and accessories. I liked capturing the masculine essence of him despite being a Japanese-style character. I also added a gold color on his eyelids to reference his yellow eyes, which are closed in an attitude of meditation and tranquility. I liked it and I hope you enjoy this portrait!🙂🎨💕💫
Link de la Imagen de Referencia/Reference Image Link
Etapas del Dibujo/Drawing Stages
Tomé varias capas para hacer el boceto y así poner cada elemento y poder limpiar y definir usando la brocha tipo pelo. Dibujé la forma general del rostro, el cabello, el kimono y los accesorios del personaje, tratando de mantener la perspectiva. Después pasé a colocar la base de color y pincelar tonos para iluminar y profundizar con sombras. Elegí una paleta de colores que combinara con el healer base, usando principalmente blanco, grises, dorado y amarillos. Apliqué los colores con la brocha tipo plano real, creando degradados y contrastes. Después usé el difuminó para mezclar y suavizar con la brocha pastel suave con opacidad media baja. Fui definiendo con otras capas usando método normal de mezcla haciendo trazos más finos para reforzar sombras y luces. Así logré darle más realismo y volumen al dibujo, especialmente al rostro que es donde me enfoque más.
I took several layers to make the sketch to place each element and be able to clean and define using the hair type brush. I drew the general shape of the character's face, hair, kimono, and accessories, trying to maintain perspective. Then I went on to place the color base and brush tones to illuminate and deepen with shadows. I chose a color palette that matched the base healer, using mainly white, grays, gold and yellows. I applied the colors with the real flat brush, creating gradients and contrasts. I then used the blender to blend and soften with the soft pastel brush with medium-low opacity. I defined it with other layers using the normal blending method, making finer strokes to reinforce shadows and lights. This way I managed to give more realism and volume to the drawing, especially the face, which is where I focused the most.
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Luego seguí con sus accesorios dorados con método normal de mezcla usando varias capas con la brocha tipo plano real y difuminó. Dibujé la corona, los brazaletes y las franjas del kimono con un color dorado brillante, que resaltara sobre el kimono. También le di algunos detalles y texturas con la brocha tipo plano real, para que se vieran más metálicos y elegantes. Quise seguir esta vez con el cabello que es una de las cosas que suelo dejar después de terminar todo lo concerniente a un personaje, y usando método normal de mezcla y con la brocha plano real abanico fui pincelando en varias capas mechones más claros y en otras capas mechones más oscuros para agregar profundidad y volumen. Quería lograr un cabello con varios pliegues y con soltura, que le diera movimiento y dinamismo al personaje. Después fui definiendo con la brocha tipo pelo con trazos más delgados, para darle más nitidez y brillo al cabello.
Then I continued with her gold accessories with normal blending method using several coats with the royal flat brush and blending. I drew the crown, the bracelets and the stripes of the kimono with a bright gold color, which stood out against the kimono. I also gave it some details and textures with the real flat brush, to make them look more metallic and elegant. I wanted to continue this time with the hair, which is one of the things I usually leave after finishing everything related to a character, and using the normal mixing method and with the flat real fan brush I was brushing lighter strands in several layers and others. Layer darker strands to add depth and volume. I wanted to achieve hair with several folds and ease, which would give movement and dynamism to the character. Then I was defining with the hair brush with thinner strokes, to give more sharpness and shine to the hair.
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En otra capa fui pincelando colores base para el kimono, definiendo con trazos más delgados y difuminando aplicando método de mezcla normal. Fui agregando las franjas doradas como parte de su vestimenta como el healer base, quería que sus accesorios fueran de un dorado más intenso así que apliqué un ajuste de color con una capa de luz suave. Así mismo apliqué luz suave a su piel y con el pincel tipo pelo y capa añadir agregué algunos cabellos dorados sin invadir mucho solo algo mínimo como parte de la versión base del healer. Usé la brocha tipo purpurina con opacidad baja para agregar algunos brillos en sus accesorios y párpados. Me gustó mucho lograr una expresión de meditación en su rostro, que transmitiera paz y armonía.
On another layer I was brushing base colors for the kimono, defining with thinner strokes and blending using the normal mixing method. I added the gold stripes as part of his clothing as the base healer, I wanted his accessories to be a more intense gold so I applied a color adjustment with a soft light layer. Likewise, I applied soft light to his skin and with the hair and layer type brush I added some golden hair without invading much, just something minimal as part of the base version of the healer. I used the glitter brush with low opacity to add some sparkles to her accessories and eyelids. I really liked achieving a meditative expression on his face, which conveyed peace and harmony.
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Ilustración Final/ End Illustration
Me gustó experimentar con la versión masculina de un healer, y darle mi propio estilo. Espero seguir haciendo otras facetas para los demás healer o criaturas de holozing, porque me parece un juego muy creativo y lleno de posibilidades. Me encantaría ver cómo quedan otros personajes en su versión opuesta o alternativa, y qué cambios o similitudes tendrían.
Agradezco muy cordialmente el apoyo y el tiempo de detenerse a ver este post, espero que les haya gustado y que me dejen sus comentarios y opiniones. Me despido con un fuerte abrazo y les deseo lo mejor. Hasta pronto!
📣Si quieres ver más de mis obras, puedes seguirme en mi perfil de Hive.blog, donde comparto mis creaciones y mis experiencias como artista digital. 💌🎨🎭📰
I liked experimenting with the male version of a healer, and giving it my own style. I hope to continue doing other facets for other healers or holozing creatures, because it seems like a very creative game full of possibilities. I would love to see how other characters turn out in their opposite or alternative version, and what changes or similarities they would have.
I cordially appreciate the support and the time to stop and see this post, I hope you liked it and that you leave me your comments and opinions. I say goodbye with a big hug and I wish you the best. See you soon!
📣If you want to see more of my works, you can follow me on my Hive.blog , where I share my creations and my experiences as a digital artist. 💌🎨🎭📰
👆🎈 #holozing #english #game #neoxian #art #digitalart #drawing #nft #aliento #pob 🎈👆
Redes Sociales/ Social Networks
Sigueme en/ Follow me in:
Instagram: @catrynart Twitter: @catrynart
Herramientas Usadas/Used Tools
- Tablet Android/ Android Tablet
- Programa Ibis Paint X/ Ibis Paint X Program
- Traductor Deepl/ Deelp Translator
- Servidor de Imagenes Imgbb/ Imgbb Image Server
- Dactilopintura Digital/ Digital Fingerprint Painting
Detenerse es Retroceder
To Stop is to go Backwards
Hey @catrynart, friendly reminder that your posts on the Holozing community can earn #LEO tokens and Ad Revenue, all you have to do is publish them from InLeo 😃
Holo! We've chosen your wonderful artwork to be viewed on holozing.com/fanart, please let us know if you'd like it removed from there for any reason. Thank you!
Aaaah thank you so much for selecting me! I'm very happy 🥰🤗👏🏼
looks really cool, what a nice render
Thank you very much dear @julsdraws 🌷😊🥰 best regards to you!!!!
Ahh ! Your art is adorable . I am happy to see this 😀
Thanks so so ☺️👋🏼
This is a light healer queen. How you put those hair and give that light shade still can't stop me thinking.
Greetings @agbogo ☺️👋🏼. Well actually it's using various blending and texturing methods with various brushes with lightened tones and tones to deepen with shadows.
Otro hermoso trabajo amiga 🤩👏
Sii, muchísima gracias @ibarra95 espero ver más de ti😊🎨💕
En la noche publicaré otras maceticas decoradas 😊🫶
Me encanta 👏🏼☺️🌵🪴💚
Me has dibujado luego de una jornada de atrapar muchos holo jajaja 😎
Espectacular sin duda
Je je 🤭 te ves muy guapo 😍
Jajaja 😄
Muchas gracias @cjlugo me alegra te guste esta idea de healer☺️🎨
haha I can't even tell you how good this is! I'm truly blown away. You're 2 for 2 😀
Thanks so dear @kstreet 🥰Thanks for appreciating this idea, I'm glad you like it very much ☺️🌷
Woow, it looks amazing! 😍 I like the way you rendered the face.
Hi @craizuss ! Thank you very much it was my main focus I'm glad you liked it.☺️🥰
Your art style has significantly improved since last year. The newest ones are very well refined. Sometimes I can't believe that you are using ibis paint to make this xd. This is amazing!
Which tab and stylus do you use by the way? My stylus has latency issue with Ibis. It's less on other apps but their UI is not that good like Ibis. Is there any good bending brush for ibis which I didn't know about xd? You make it look so simple haha.
Hello 🤗 @solumviz a big greeting linda! Yes amiga I started using Ibis paint, it really is a tool for beginners and helps you learn in digital drawing watching toturials that help a lot. Just in the last few months I decided to buy an iPad Pro and an Apple Pencil using the procreate application because as I am 100% dedicated to drawing I wanted to do a more professional job. Evidently I noticed an improvement in the quality of the equipment and at the same time I combined the two applications Ibis paint and procreate. ☺️ now my next goal for this year is to be able to arm myself with a good desktop with a good digitizing tablet to start learning to use Photoshop and continue improving the drawing technique.
I noticed that with some brushes I had a slow stroke so I constantly change brushes, and also the size of the canvas can make everything slower and less fluid.
Well it was definitely a smart purchase. The IPad pro is an expensive one. Do you really need that kind of processing power for drawing though? The 4th gen variant with m2 chip is selling at 1000$ here. My friend wanted to buy a tab but we were mostly thinking about looking at an ipad 9th gen at 360$ or mi pad 6. It still seems to function really well these days.
Anyways congratulations on the purchase 😁!
If I bought the 2019 version of 11" which is a little cheaper and it was necessary to update the computer because I was working with a 13" Samsung galaxy note and it was already a very old computer, everything was slower when mounting the canvas, even the files were damaged or lost, something that does not happen with procreate and I am calmer and I do not lose work time. 🤭
Yeah procreate is a really good software from what I seen online. It makes the process look more fun. Kinda sucks that apple made it iOS exclusive. Are you a professional artist in real life? Do you do commissions on online through other social media apps?
Yes I have had some commissions and I have worked on some projects. Yes procreate is an application that has a lot of potential and I'm still learning, I think I still have a lot to learn, the digital world is very broad in terms of art with so many different techniques to create an effect or form, from the perspective of each person. I like subrealism very much, I like to see details and capture them.
Very nice! What's your standard fee for a commission with a background? Just curious.
Aha so those are what you use. Amazing work. 👍
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Wow beautiful work of art! What program and tools are you using?
Thank you very much! ☺️🤗💕
You're welcome. Are you using a tablet with Photoshop or another program?
Greetings @artgirl 👋🏼, I am using procreate with an iPad pro with the Apple Pencil and also Ibis paint x..