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RE: Healer reveal

absolutely gorgeous healers! I am already biased towards one, but I guess looks alone won't help me I guess...

You will be able to use them

Will we be able to control the healers in the game or only give them accessories and upgrade their stats?

All these different accessories will come with rarities and restrictions

Will we get the accessories first (on release) or healers first? I would want to plan out my strategies and pick my healer accordingly. Or will I have to adapt as they upgrade?


Well for this game they'll mostly stand behind the creatures and tell them what to do and heal them occasionally, and will also be able to use items in PvE now and then. Having them exist in 3d will open up a lot of room for other games in the future though and we're definitely aiming to use the same assets in many different games.

The accessories are determined on mint, when you buy the healer. We may give people a few things they can pre-select (not certain) but it'll be random what accessories (if any) they'll get. Those will stay with the profile pic version of your healer forever (it is a picture after all :D) but the 3d characters may change looks in the near future based on items you equip and so on, but that's for the future when we have a lot more funding to spend on it as it's quite expensive.