Beautiful and useful coaster inspired by Miu 🐈❤️🐈 (Eng -Esp)

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Greetings Holozing community, I wish you an excellent day together with your loved ones, I am happy to share a new creative project inspired by the nice Miu, this is a coaster ideal for placing glasses and drinks when we are working at the table and thus prevent them from spilling and we can damage the wood or some material such as notebooks and books with which we are working; I am making a collection with some characters of the game, at the moment I have already made three characters and I aspire in the near future to complete my collection of coasters inspired in the 'characters of the game.

Saludos comunidad Holozing, les deseo un deseo un excelente día en unión de sus seres queridos, me siento feliz de compartir un nuevo proyecto creativo inspirado en el simpático Miu, se trata de un posavasos ideal para colocar los vasos y bebidas cuando estamos trabajando en la mesa y así evitar que se derramen y nos puedan dañar la madera o algún material como cuadernos y libros con el que estamos trabajando; estoy haciendo una colección con algunos personajes del juego, por los momentos ya he hecho tres personajes y aspiro en un futuro próximo completar mi colección de posavasos indspirada en los personajes del juego.

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The materials used were:

Fabric denim
Polar blanket fabric (pink)
Pearly eyes
Sewing machine.

Los materiales usados fueron:

Tela denim
Tela manta polar (rosa)
Ojos perlados
Máquina de coser.

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The first step was to make the molds, then I marked the parts of the cat; front, ears, paws and tail, I only cut the ears and front.


El primer paso fue hacer los moldes,luego marqué las partes del gato; delantero, orejas, patas y cola, solo corté las orejas y delantero.

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Then I sewed the ears, legs and tail in double fabric, facing the right sides and leaving an opening at the bottom to turn over, I removed the excess fabric and with the help of a toothpick I voted the pieces.

Luego cosí las orejas patas y cola en tela doble, enfrentando los derechos y dejando una abertura en la parte inferior para voltear, retiré el exceso de tela y con ayuda de un palillo voteé las piezas.

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Once the small pieces were sewn, I glued the ears to the front, facing the right side of the fabrics, pinned to prevent the pieces from moving and used straight stitch, I also glued the eyes and muzzle.

Cosidas las piezas pequeñas, pegué las orejas al delantero, enfrentando por el derecho de las telas, sujeté con alfileres para evitar que se muevan las piezas y usé puntada recta, además pegué los ojos y hocico.

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Once the front part was assembled, I placed the legs and tail on the front part, pinned, placed the piece that will form the back, sewed leaving an opening.

Ensamblada la parte delantera, coloqué las patas y cola en el delantero, sujeté con alfileres, puse la pieza que formará el trasero y cosí dejando una abertura.

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To finish I removed the excess fabric, flipped, closed the opening with a hidden stitch and with these simple steps a cute coaster inspired by Miu is finished.

Para finalizar retiré el exceso de tela, volteé, cerré la abertura con puntada escondida y con estos sencillos pasos está terminado un lindo posavasos inspirado en Miu.

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See you later!
Hasta luego!

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Translated with
              All images are my own, captured by a Síragon LC-3000 camera. Dividers courtesy of @kattycrochet.

   Todas las imágenes son de mi autoría, capturadas por una cámara Síragon LC-3000. Divisores cortesía de @kattycrochet.

That's so cute and not too difficult to make with any clothes. Beautiful! : )

Greetings @untilwelearn, it's true, it's a simple project to do, thank you very much for the support.

Happy weekend!

Happy weekend to you too!🤗💙

Thank you very much 🤗💚

Beautiful coaster dear @belkyscabrera, I look forward to seeing your collection 🌹🌷🌻🌸🪷🏵️💮💐🪻🌼🌺🥀🍀.

Hi friend I'm glad you liked it, I still have three characters to complete the collection.

Happy Thursday!

Your denim fabric has being put to good use. The coaster looks nice.

Greetings @diyhub, denim fabric has an excellent texture and thickness for this type of project, glad you liked the coaster, thank you for the support. 🤗🐈🌸🌺

Have a great day!


Thank you very much.

Best regards!


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@danzocal(1/10) tipped @belkyscabrera