Drawing the Holozing community icon of three healers

Hello Holozing Community Community

Hello friends

Meet me again on this occasion I will describe a Holozing community icon where this icon is always opened in the community and embedded at the top of all posts and this is a very interesting contest for this month, namely male and female healers and I will try draw them all, namely two women, one man

The healer is one of the things that plays a very important role in the Holozing game where this healer will be very influential in playing the game in the community and this is something that we need to develop and color it well because Holozing on this occasion will turn into an even better Holozing with the colors in it, but before that I described the community icon first as I said that Holozing is a very interesting community and this is the most influential community icon this month

Ingredients used

  • Picture books
  • Pencil
  • Color pencil

How to make it

As you know, the first step every time I use the Holozing community I always draw it well first by always forming Holozing what I draw and here I will draw everything, namely 3 people, the first is a woman, the second is a man, the third is a woman.

first, I will color first the male healer in the middle and I use 5 colors for the male healer in the middle and I will color it as best as possible and hope it matches the original image

then I will color the healer on the right of the male healer and I just take two colors here, namely black and blue and I adjust it to the original image

then I will color the healer next to the male healer, namely on the left, by taking just 3 colors from the pencil, namely orange, red heart and also brown and this will color according to the picture

After everything is finished and I have colored it well then I will color the background in this picture by coloring it red and this will be more beautiful

After everything was finished I also took several pictures well and I tried to display these pictures and which ones are suitable and which ones are suitable please choose I hope all of us are entertained and enjoy it well

Doing good things in this community is an obligation for me and I continue to display the latest works by drawing and coloring well.

This is all I can share. On this occasion, I hope we will always be met in good and happy conditions wherever you are, see you in the next post, my friend.


About me

My full name is aries bin muhammad, many friends on the nest platform call my name ari or aries, I come from the country of Indonesia which is specifically located in Aceh Province, I was born in 2006 until now I have completed high school education. I like interesting and unique things and I am also a lover of photography and art and new things, so on this beloved platform I will share about photography, art, traveling and other interesting things.

Thank you for your visit

Best Regards @aries12