Inspired Three Wheel Holozing Bicycle Fantart

I believe all the artists are working with their ideas to see @holozing game is lunched and when it'll be finally lunched it should take over the world internet game since it'll allow users to play individually and in a competition to earn Zing token. For me to contribute for the development of the game, I put together a Three wheel Holozing bicycle. It's the inspiration I have from the Holozing bicycle. Beads are what was put together to see the three wheel Holozing bicycle is designed.

As I was going through the Holozing bicycle to see what I could design from it, the ideas never came as I expected but after days. The three wheel Holozing bicycle will help to fasting the journey of healers and creatures. I believe that the three wheel Holozing bicycle have more speed and can go far places than the normal Holozing bicycle. To see the bicycle as digital, it make use of electronic charger that charges the bicycle so it'll be easier for the healer to use and send the messages and items fast to creatures.

To put together the three wheel inspired Holozing bicycle, beads and fishing line were all at work. The three wheel Holozing bicycle I put together is the first phase but with time, I'll see how the other phases of the bicycle will look.

Putting the three wheel Holozing bicycle together, all the parts where all put together with the help of beads and fishing line.

I bring a fishing line, enter one white ball bead, three red ball bead. I enter the far fishing line to the wide last red ball bead. This has started with the creation of the three wheel Holozing bicycle tyer. The entering of the one white ball bead, and three red ball bead were repeated and the entering of the far fishing line to the last red ball bead from wide fishing line were all repeated to a certain numbers.

The fishing line, red, and white ball bead were also repeated from the other side of the bead tyer creation for the bicycle. This is where the fishing line for the first line will go to far fishing line side and the entering will continue.

Folding the already created red and white ball bead that's already inform of a mat is next. By folding it, a fishing line should be entered to the two side and from there, a red ball bead should be entered to divide the white ball beads by coming to their middle. The tyer for the three wheel Holozing bicycle should be created and the middle wheel designed.

The other parts for the three wheel Holozing bicycle were also created. The parts is what should be put to join the bicycle parts together.

To couple or assemble the the three wheel Holozing bicycle is next. Assembling the two back tyer with beads and fishing line were done. The tyer are assembled with the down frame before the top frame.

The front tyer should be assembled to the front frame for the three wheel Holozing bicycle. The front handle and other parts for the three wheel Holozing bicycle assembling should be put together.


That looks really cool, the little bike

That's for healers and creatures

Thank you for stopping by to vote my post, you have given me more reason to keep on push ahead in the space.