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RE: New creature reveal, dragon creatures naming contest concluded & zing distribution changes

in Holozing Community3 months ago

Drazing is the base evolution normal type creature, it's evolved form is one of the 5 special type dragons. Most players will encounter Drazing, then capture it and level it up and at a certain level range you can allow it to evolve into one of the 5 special type creatures: Verdion, Tiderion, Terrarion, Glacion or Emberion, however you won't be able to decide which one it evolves into. At higher healer and creature levels players will also be able to encounter the evolved form of Drazing as well but not the last evolution as that's meant for end-game. I.e. a Drazing that evolved into Emberion at say level 15 may evolve into Emberox at lvl 30 but you won't be able to encounter wild Emerbox to capture at that evolution, most wild creatures will be capped at lvl 29.

So Drazing evolves into 5 different types at random, no normal type evolution for it, then they evolve further based on their type.


Got it. I think that Drazing is an interesting creature with those mechanics because it's not as straightforward as the other non-dragon creatures.

At higher healer and creature levels players will also be able to encounter the evolved form of Drazing

Does this mean that there will be tiers for the players? Meaning, that low-level players won't be able to meet/encounter/battle high-level players?

They can battle whoever they want if the other player accepts the challenge, but in terms of leaderboard PVP we will have many different tiers, yes.

Some that are planned for now are level brackets, first one would be max lvl 10 so a healer that's level 11 and creatures in the party that are lvl 11 cannot participate in that bracket but creatures and healers from lvl 1-10 can. This would then mean 2 additional brackets for lvl 11-20 and 21-30.

Furthermore we are also planning rarity brackets along with levels, for instance in a rarity bracket you'd have to have a healer that's max lvl 10 along with creatures but at the same time no creature can be of a higher rarity than green along with no healer item can be of a higher rarity than green.

We think we will see people wanting to play in multiple brackets on a weekly basis, rewards will be distributed a bit based on difficulty to obtain such rarities and levels, i.e. lvl 10 brackets may get x% less rewards than lvl 11-20 and lvl 21-30 as well as the rarity restricted ones will also get lower rewards compared to the higher ones but keep in mind that there's no restriction on the low end, i.e. you can go and compete in the lvl 21-30 bracket with lvl 18 green rarity creatures and items just be aware that you may face higher level and rarity trainers that'll most likely have an easy time against you. So the restrictions will just apply on those with higher rarities and levels not to be able to compete in lower brackets.

This gives room to casual players who don't want to bother leveling up their creatures the hard way to still enjoy some PvP and zing rewards even if their creatures remain at the lower spectrum of rarity while keeping things competitive.

Another thing that's cool about this is that we will also allow players to cap their XP progression if they so choose, this would allow them to go out and fight creatures in PvE without increasing their level as a healer and creatures in party in case they want to stay in that bracket or keep a certain healer and creatures there. At the same time allow them to continue to play with them to obtain more holo dust and other materials required to craft items for their specific levels, for instance to attempt and get better healer items and creatures to improve their stats in that specific lvl bracket.

This means that we could see players having multiple healers and creatures all active on a weekly basis competing in different brackets for different rewards while trying to maximize their gear and creatures at those specific levels to maintain a good ranking.

Okay got it. Now I'm excited to play :D

So the restrictions will just apply to those with higher rarities and levels not to be able to compete in lower brackets.

This part makes sense as we don't want higher-level players to bully the lower ones 😅
