Discussing our physical collection set plans

in Holozing Community2 months ago

This might be news to many but we've been grinding at a lot of different things behind the scenes and looking at what exists out there to decide on how we could improve things for our releases. A physical card collection of @holozing has been something I've personally been fascinated by and definitely have put a lot of thought into it while waiting on things to get finished on the "game" side of our project. Today I wanted to talk a little bit about our plans for a physical collection set, some work we've done there and how far we've come in planning it out!

While NFT's are great, there's something special about having something you can hold in your hands and look at every now and then. Ignoring that the physical assets can some times come in different variations of quality depending on how the printing machines did that day, how the workers handled the process, etc, there's a big market in grading physical cards which does not need to exist in the NFT space. We'd want to fill that craving of collectors by also bridging over to the web2 world with a physical collection and give those collectors a chance to participate in our ecosystem and game through it.

There are certain restrictions we have to place through rarities in our physical collection set and the way we've planned on inviting those collectors over to play the game. The restrictions mainly depend on the cost of @holozing alpha vials, we don't want to undermine those who've bought vials for $20 each to make it cheaper for physical collectors to get the same advantages as them. This means physical collectors opening our packs will find themselves pulling rare cards that give them a digital copy less often than those who bought Vials directly.

Now before we get into some examples, let's look into the idea of how a physical collection compares to nfts.

The physical cards will already have a separate value of their own. These can also be traded among collectors at their own discretion. Our plans are to include a unique QR coded card into every pack, this will not only verify its content with our database that the cards within have not been re-sealed and picked from while at the same time openly and transparently providing supply stats to collectors which many current "web2" physical collections don't do. I.e. if you buy Magic the Gathering cards and let's say you pull a very rare one, you won't be able to know how many rare ones of this have been printed, how many more will be printed in the future or how many may have been pulled. Our system will give physical collectors a lot more transparency while at the same time giving them some additional value in the form of our in-game currency.

By scanning the QR code belonging to each pack on our website, you will receive points that'll grant you weight towards our collection rewards of Zing distribution. At the same time this will verify the cards you were meant to receive in that pack. If you get lucky enough to pull some of the rarer cards you will also receive a digital version of that creature/healer to play in the game. There will be certain restrictions here to avoid complications, one of them being "what happens to the weight and digital versions if you were to trade the QR code card and rare cards that have a digital copy to another person". For this we will implement a "confirmation" system where the original scanner of the QR code card and owner of rare cards that have a digital copy will have to verify that a new owner laying claim to those specific serial'd cards. This is to prevent zing earnings moving away from the original owner in the events of thefts or accidental scanning on another holozing account.

The randomness spread for rare cards has to match the base price of alpha vials and healer mints, this means that to receive digital copies of your rare physical cards you'd need on average to buy at least $20 worth of packs to receive a digital version of a starter creature and as you may have guessed it, these digital copies won't be tradable as they won't be NFTs. They will however, allow you to play the game and earn zing and other in-game materials and capture creatures that can be turned into nfts after you upgrade to a web3 account, i.e. Hive.

There's quite a lot more to talk about this so in an effort to not make this post too long I'll try keep it a bit shorter here towards the end so it's more of a pre-announcement kind of thing of some of our plans.

We've had successful talks with a Kickstarter campaign manager who are usually quite selective with who they work with so their success rate stays high, they loved the idea of our game and physical card collection but informed us to keep words like "nfts" and "crypto" as far away from the project as possible. This is quite understandable due to the reputation it has amassed over the years so we're quite happy with our solutions allowing people to only opt-in to web3 accounts if or when they choose to do so rather than forcing them to.

Our plan is to get started with this in Q2, the Kickstarter campaign will see to it that we can order a big batch of cards to be printed and raise funds through fiat to take care of the printing along with taxes and shipping. We will definitely post about it here as well when the time comes. Naturally we'll want the game to be close to beta before the Kickstarter campaign ends so people can hop directly into the game when they receive their packs and pull something rare they can play with.

Keep in mind this is a collection set only, i.e. there won't be a physical board game similar to other TCG's you may be used to. That may however come in future sets. Since this is a collection set, however, that means we'll be looking for artists to draw pieces of cards for us in their own style for the physical set. Thus we're very excited about that since we have so many amazing artists who've been creating fanart for our project for a very long time on Hive and we hope to fill our needs through them completely before looking outside.

herehere. I didn't spend too much time on this so you can imagine the first one will also have buttons in different rarity colors along with text representing the stat amount, whereas the next one will be more of a artwork card without stats. At least I jumped to use photoshop this time around compared to my usual ms paint stuff!Lastly, just to give you an idea of what the card borders would look like, here's one that'll be for creatures next to one with combo artwork such as healer + creature or other rare artworks for the collection set. To give this a nice preview I borrowed some fanart from @tiffany and @solumviz


Chromatic version (2).png

Anyway, more info and discussions about our physical set to come, hope you liked the previews and some of the discussions surrounding them. Especially some of the new things we haven't seen elsewhere, such as physical collections and merch providing players with access to the game and to earn some in-game tokens along with rarer pieces giving way for digital copies that'll let them play the game, earn more zing, craft items, capture creatures and whenever they feel ready they'll be able to upgrade to an immutable web3 account along with a lot more transparency on card issuance and supply we don't really see anywhere else in the space!


Whoa! more exciting things to anticipate when the game starts 😮 other than the QR, I'm already imagining The ones where you go out and discover creatures if the games expands more and more..

I also want to have physical cards of my own, I'm quite a fan of the main animator of holozing ~ i should start understanding the game, buy vials, dust and delegate zingtoken @jijisaurart can you teach me if i get confuse? also are u interested in obtaining the physical cards if it happens Ahaha

Also i kinda want to see one of my works in a card, just one if possible, since you have animators already ~ having a drawing in a game can be useful to adds in the resume or portfolio as well, is it okay @acidyo ?

We will definitely be looking for artists for the physical + digital cards, we will have them apply for it however as it'll be a time commitment to get things looking the way we want to. There's a lot of artists here that could definitely fit into our scope and there may even be fanart created already that fit into it which we'll then ask to "buy" from the artists to include in the cards along with mentioning the name of the artist in the card as most other projects do.

The cool thing with this is that a lot of the artists can maintain their own style, it just can't be too extreme/shift away from the "original" too much.

Here's an example with Pokemon, you can tell the artwork differs a bit from the other one, they also mention the artist under "Illustr. name"



We could even do things like collaborations between artists, for instance if one wants to focus on creatures whereas the other on healers and another one on background/effects. It'll be a ton of fun to get these looking amazing for our collection set!

ohhh.. collab between artists would be interestingly fun ahaha i should prolly start honing my skills more for a worthy card feature, hopefully 😆 I'll try my best, thanks for the sample references 💕

Yes, of course! The physical cards are super nice 😁 But wait, how do they deliver the thing? Am I gonna send my address? hahah😆

We are all excited for more! Locked in! 🔒😊🔥

Yess hahaha 🤣 i suggest send nalang to a branch not from your place and have it pick up with someone u trust and then that person sends it to you

Maybe they can airdrop it to you 😂.

Considering the scale and longevity of MTG, you may really be onto something here by also embracing the physical aspects of gameplay! That's exciting news! There's something very appealing about something that is "portable" between the digital space and the physical space.

Of course, I also admire the fact that you are really taking your timeonce. in developing @holozing. As the old saying goes: It's better to measure twice and cut

Physical cards would be amazing, I missed out with Splinterlands on getting myself physical merch in the early days, so I would love to make it up with Holozing.

Interesting, one could purchase the physical sealed pack. Scan it for ownership proof and also make claim to the digital benefits that comes with while keeping the pack sealed. Very clever if I do say so myself. To me the value isn't just in the ZING and digital benefits but the physical card itself. Meaning, there might be a market for those interested in the physical card while others keep the digital benefits. Price point will be tricky. Sure those of us here already on WEB2 / Hive might jump in at slightly higher price per pack but appealing to a larger audience within WEB2 likely will require what some might consider a price point that is too affordable.

You'd have to open the pack to get access to the scannable code card, else you'd have people scanning them without buying. :D

We'd have to figure out some good ways how to make that possible for merch and things that aren't "openable".

You'd have to open the pack to get access to the scannable code card, else you'd have people scanning them without buying. :D

I admit I skimmed the post so I must of misread. But I think the idea of a scanning a pack to get the digital benefits without opening it would be a great. Possibly make a scratch off section on the packaging to protect the code from being used without purchase, just an idea. Thanks for the clarity.

Yeah there's definitely a need to think more about those things, it'll depend on how much we want to reward the original purchaser compared to opener. For instance why give someone the digital versions + zing earnings if they don't even open the pack + it'll make re-selling unopened packs a bit pointless since most would've scanned off the other value.

My thoughts is that there might be a potential market for the physical side of things alone. Making the scratchier on the outer pack a potentially good idea. In other words; those who don't want the digital assets but still want to collect the physical cards. The fact that the scratch off is scratched would be the indicator that the digital assets has already been claimed. With the system you mention in your OP, such physical items can be traded in two ways regardless of where the purchase code is. (1) the digital assets are handed over with the resale of physical assets (2) The purchaser of the resold pack/card gets the physical card but not the digital assets/benefits that the original purchaser already claimed.

for price points, yes we definitely aren't planning on making "profit" off of this, as long as it covers expenses and gets the name out there and prepares us for more demand on future sets we'd be happy with it! The only thing important here is that full access to the game won't be cheaper than having to buy a starting vial and mint a healer as to not make it unfair to those currently helping kickstart the whole ecosystem with their hive crowdfunding.

A physical card collection would be awesome 😎. We used to collect and play and trade a lot with Pokemon cards in high school. Maybe it's time for holozing to shine this time :)

Thanks for using my art in your blog 😄.

yes I agree with that, it would definitely be a lot of fun. I hope #holozing continues to grow rapidly 🔥

I love the previews you laid specifically the physical collections, this leaves me even more excited to see how this unfolds


Amazing news once again!!! I really do love the idea of physical cards that also can be claimed into the game. Do you also have been thinking about the shipping side of things? Will everyone be able to get it sent to there respective countries or is it again just a USA only thing or where every you are located?

Not USA only but we'll have to see who we can partner with for shipping. The way we want them packed is also going to be a bit special so we'll have to see who can take care of all our requests and how they handle shipping at the same time.

Physical cards....?? Mean we can hold them in hand or anything else 😬 i see the second fanart in holozing community and i really love it Especially it's bright colors

This is the first time I've heard of physical cards related to Holozing. I think you've thought this through well. It's important to be able to physically touch the cards associated with the game.

By the way, when exactly can everyone start playing the game? I'm guessing May.

We're trying hard to make it playable soon, things just always take longer than expected but we hope to be able to hire some more people in the near future to help us along!

I have been having fever with this Pokemon TCG and physical cards, and just this week I was thinking about the possibility of having Holozing physical cards because I imagine them as beautiful as the Pokemon ones, it makes me a little sad that it is not thought in the short term to be TCG, but in the future I am almost sure that in order to make some competition for example with pokemon, they will have to do some kind of activity like the current Pokemon TCG Live tournaments. I hope to be alive by then and be able to enjoy my childhood more. We will still be immature on this side.😅🤣

It is a good idea, since there are those who love to collect cards of this type, I also think it is a good interaction, perhaps for those who have not bought NFT, perhaps due to lack of knowledge, they will become interested, investigate, learn about them and thus be encouraged to interact more with the game.

Wow, these are excellent plans without a doubt, a great projection. What I like are the ideas that come up that can give life to a great ecosystem within web3, in this case within Hive. I mean the Holozing ecosystem, I really think it can be very appealing not only for us but for many people outside Hive, who after getting the physical cards may want to join the project.

What do you think about more aggressive arts, not as sweet and tender as the ones you show, but a little bit stronger, as the hivers deddywox draws them?

those may be something I mentioned here in the comments that may go a bit too far from the originals unfortunately

Physical cards will be great for some collectors. How about other items? Plushies, mugs, shirts, action figures, etc.


Nah that right 🥰

This is a great idea and I loved the designs you shared with us.
Would $holozing swag be something you could consider?

Yes we definitely wanna create different kind of merch as well and figure out the best ways to have people verify the authenticity of it while registering purchased products for a free holozing account and passive in-game zing earnings!

Blockchain verifiable merch!
I !LUV holozing art, and I cant wait for it all to happen

It's a great update for all Holding fans!
And what is your plans for shipment of Holozing physical cards? How they will be shipped to users in countries which are have problems with delivery services but want to have such ones?

I don't really know what answer you expect here, if they have problems with delivery services then naturally we're not gonna be able to ship there 😅

Of course I won't suggest any grey scheme) but I'm asking because understand that I'd like to purchase once such physical cards set. And I understand that it's can be some problems with shipment even in my country.
So looks like I'll need to find way how to get them maybe through my friends

We will most likely partner up with a company to handle shipping, maybe even the printing factory itself. It's to be determined.

Cool if you'll have possibility to interact strictly with printing factory!

Yes, I can't wait for the latest update from Holozing 🪄😍

Very cute cards

wew so how long until we got a game to play D: end of Q1?

This is a really innovative approach to bridging the gap between Web3 and Web2!I'm particularly impressed by the emphasis on transparency–the QR code system and supply tracking are fantastic ideas that address many of the issues with traditional physical card collections.The way you're handling digital copies and the integration with the game is also very clever.

Are you AI'ing your comments?

Nice idea. People who bought Vials will also get a physical copy of packs? Thanks

How to do it?
will it wort it...

Physical cards with QR codes are very cool, they give so much sentimental value towards a game and this makes customers for life.

I hope this works out and Splinterlands does the same. I remember back in UNTAMED they were supposed to do something like that. I even remember giving them my address, but nothing ever arrived.

This new initiative is truly exciting! The concept of accessing the game and earning in-game tokens through physical collections and merch is a fresh and innovative idea. Offering players the opportunity to dive deeper into the game with digital copies, and then upgrading to a web3 account with increased transparency on card issuance and supply is a brilliant approach. I’m really looking forward to how this will enhance the gaming experience

Excellent, I love learning about the game and its progress, I am very attentive

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This is amazing, i like it sienna and miumiu 🎊🎊🎊🪄

Which countries will be able to physically purchase the cards? Will emerging countries like Brazil have access? Whatever our community needs so that we can distribute them here, we are available.

Nice! how do u make all those girls in this game sooooo CUTE?! :P

It is good to know the details that are given in relation to the game, I am interested in the information, I am assimilating it.

So, I can paint with acrylics on cardboard, take a high-quality photo, and post it on Holozing using the hashtag #collection. Does that mean I have a chance to be selected? Is the physical painting required, or is just the digital image enough? Thanks, @acidyo!

Physical cards are indeed a good idea, and I am very sure that this is going to bring a lot of web2 people to the crypto web3 world... The only issue I see, is that its gonna be hard to fight against Pokémon, Yu-Gi-Oh, magic and other physical cards... That will be the bigger challenge