I reached a certain zing milestone today that I'm happy about so wanted to talk a little zing as usual, hope ya'll aren't getting bored of that.
This milestone means a lot to me, not because of the amount compared to current distributed supply (~20 million zing) but mostly because of the way it was distributed and launched and me being happy to be in a position where I can invest in my own project for long-term.
Believe it or not, but a lot of people told me it's quite foolish to launch zing the way I did. Things like "that's pretty unnecessary, everyone gives themselves a share, it's just the way it is and has always been" and "what's the point? You've put a lot of work into this, it'd only be fair to get a fair share in your own project". Now I don't wanna make myself out as an angel or as if I'm pulling these semi-quotes out of my ass, there's of course also some who play devil's advocate and have said things like "you're just doing it to sound unique and you can afford to buy into your own token", "you know hivers are dumpers and they'll sell it back to you for close to nothing", etc. And while they may be right with some of that thinking, it's still better to do it that way in my opinion than to just give yourself a share "out of nothing".

Let's dive into some other things here for a bit.
There's also some who say "it's not really fairly launched cause you're getting a lot through POSH" which is also a fair assessment but most of the time not thought out properly. Even though I own POSH as well the project is quite stand-alone in the regard of what it does with its funds and how it'll operate, sure it has Zing's best intentions in mind and won't mind giving away some Zing it's earning through giveaways, promotions, etc, but eventually it will look to take some profit to get some of the Hive back it has placed into the Zing project. Another thing to keep in mind, is that the Hive POSH earned hasn't all come from curation rewards, a lot of it has also come from post rewards. While that is something controversial and in general I wouldn't support any project or entity "farming" post rewards through automated posts just to get the value themselves (unless I know what the funds are being used for and can trust the person that they'll be used for the greater good of Hive - which is what POSH was always set out to do).
POSH was also launched with no premine and founder's share. The only way to obtain it for the first year when no token existed yet was to share Hive links on web2, mainly twitter at the time. All those shares then amounted to an airdrop when the token was created and eventually to become a bit more selfsufficient and be able to hold value to keep people sharing and being able to exchange POSH for Hive it pivoted into giving out half the tokens to delegators as well which gave it value in Hive through curation rewards. So all the POSH claimdrop in Zing is doing now, is giving back value to POSH holders, half as promotion to those already involved in POSH and half to POSH itself which owns close to 50% of the POSH supply it has bought back. On top of it all it even owns a big share of POSH I sold back to it because when I started planning the launch of Zing I didn't want it to seem like this has been something I've been plotting all along, so I got rid of about 70% of my POSH holdings so I wouldn't get too much Zing claimdrops compared to other bigger POSH holders like theycallmedan or vcelier among many others.
Since POSH had to pivot from being about sharing content on web2 and that currently being a small part of it only functioning on Reddit with the automated tracking and reporting, I wanted it to do more instead of just relying on web2 which showed us how quickly they can pull the plug on such projects through raising API costs to unmanageable amounts. Mind you, POSH wasn't just a "leech" in terms of trying to bring people from Twitter over to Hive, it also encouraged and incentivized usage of Twitter itself and I believe is a big reason we have quite a decent presence on Twitter these days, even though one could argue a little echo-chambery and that we're too decent to play dirty with fake attention through bots and paying people to shill us which most other projects do. We're still there and active which is great for Hive, even after POSH stopped working at its full potential it had by using API's. The best thing I could think of POSH to do is to continue to provide value to its holders, those who either earned it by bringing traffic over to Hive and helping our web2 presence increase, or those who selflessly bought the token knowing the only thing it was good for at the time was to incentivize people doing the former. When I launch projects I look to keep them up and maintained for a long time, after all I know Hive will go on forever so I'm here for as long as I can and I want to see to it that my projects do the same and didn't want POSH to just fade into nothingness cause the walled gardens kept rising over web2. POSH having been fairly launched and distributed also made it easy to do something else with it and more.
While POSH will continue to work on proof of sharing and maintain the current working options such as Reddit, it will also continue to kickstart by providing starting capital to projects it believes will do good for Hive long term. While Zing also belongs to me it doesn't mean that it will only look to invest in projects I lead or am a part of, it's just doing it now cause it needs a lot of trust and knowing the value it gets back won't be 0 from having spent a lot of Hive kickstarting projects. It also needs to know those projects have potential and won't just fade away like many others we've seen happen on Hive either cause of bear markets or founders going AWOL.
Lastly about POSH and Zing, yes, zing could've started without POSH's funding and this would've made it a bit fairer. The reason we didn't go that route is because there's so many projects that promise a lot and have close to nothing to show for it. I'm not considering the artwork as "something", even though we're spending a good amount on that because we want it to look good from the get-go, I'm talking about the game dev side not even having been touched at all or the logic and mechanism's not even being tested if it can even become a playable and enjoyable game. This is what we wanted to avoid and that's why POSH took a risk by investing tens of thousands of Hive on the gaming aspect first before we ran with an announcement and token distribution. If it had been for me I would've announced it even later and started distribution the same day beta launched so gamers could've earned it at the same time, but posh's funds ran dry and I had even borrowed it more Hive than I knew it could earn back eventually through curation rewards. So we needed more funding and as we came closer to being certain the game could work we decided to announce it and start raising funds through the very limiting way of powering down curation rewards which can be quite annoying at times but is quite amazing how people can invest with inflation without risking their main funds on delegated proof of stake coins like Hive and on top of it being able to take it back whenever they want if they're not happy with the progress.
Alright so why am I going through all of this?
I'm a gamer at heart, I've been gaming for decades, some of them an unhealthy amount and majority of them less so mostly cause of an unhealthy love for Hive. The way I see Holozing becoming is unlike any game and ecosystem in the space. While I'm a big fan of splinterlands and regret having sold it for 10x more steem because "there's no way shteem can dump another 90% so I can buy the alpha cards back later (it did and I didn't)" I have a big respect for the way they run things and the value they bring to Hive. They're undoubtedly one of the better projects in the space but underservingly don't get the attention they should (probably cause the space is still filled with getrichquick schemes and fake attention). While there are some great projects on Hive, this game and idea has been something itching me for years, even before aggroed mentioned to me that he's planning to start a tcg it was something building up in the back of my mind and I'm happy to finally get it going and hope I've learned well enough what mistakes to avoid from other gaming projects in the space and what to do right. One of those important things I believe is the way token distribution is launched and how founders should buy into their token and project. It's weird in many ways, daily I'm investing in the project I've been working hard to start through delegations, buying tokens on the market and awaiting the starter sale to get me some cards and items and I know not many can do it this way. I'm not saying don't start projects if you have good ideas and the will to see it through just because you don't have the funding to buy into your own thing, I'm just personally more interested in seeing it through this way compared to the usual web2 ways where they give themselves and insane amount of value, salary, and whatnot while they may not even always be an integral part of the project. That's not real web3 to me, but more about that in another post as I don't wanna side-track too much here.
Zing is and will remain quite unique through the way token distribution is being issued, there won't be many projects in the future starting off the same way for the same reason there's no other project doing things the way Hive does. They want control and most of the value or else they just move on to something that'll get them as much of that as possible. Most projects aren't really interested in what's best for the gamers and consumers of it, most projects just use the web3 shtick to get funding and quick money while not caring what the end product will be, either through short term gains or longterm drainage. I'm interested to see what a project can do when its main priority is how to keep growing itself, how to fairly reward everyone in its ecosystem without a few founders/CEO's or shareholders getting the most out of it and how to reward longterm thinkers rather than a quick hype and fade/pump and dump leaving majority with a sour taste in their mouth as we've seen with most projects and cycles in this industry.
So that's why I'm excited for the amount of Zing I've managed to collect so far and what it'll enable me to do with it in the future and hopefully everyone else thinking longterm. I'm hoping that the project will also bring much needed attention to our layer 1 and am quite excited to see them both grow and hopefully change the world for the better a little bit cause I don't see much of that having happened with this technology so far.
Anyway, not financial advice, etc, just some freewriting of some deeper thoughts. I'm heavily biased in my project of course so take it with a grain of salt. Hope ya'll had a great 2023 and am excited to share more developments of Zing with you in the next year! Thanks for reading!
Firstly, congratulations on reaching this milestone with your Holozing project! It's clear that you've put a lot of thought and effort into its development and release. It's admirable that you opted for a more equitable distribution approach, despite the criticism.
Regarding concerns about POSH, it is important to remember that each project has its own set of challenges and opportunities. Although some may see the connection between POSH and Zing as a disadvantage, others may see it as an innovative way to reward active and engaged users. I am pleased to see how POSH has evolved from its beginning as a content sharing platform on web2 to becoming a driver of promising projects on Hive. Despite the challenges, you have found ways to adapt and continue providing value to POSH holders.
It's interesting to see how you're using your gaming experience and knowledge of Hive to create something unique in the gaming space. Your focus on long-term reward rather than quick, short-term gains is refreshing and shows your dedication to creating a sustainable and valuable project.
I look forward to seeing how Zing and POSH evolve in the future. Keep up the excellent work and I'm sure you'll see even more success in the future! For my part I have currently purchased 300 POSH token, to obtain the ZING profits. And I'm thinking about accumulating more POSH because I see a good future for it.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences with us! It is evident that you are very committed to your project and have a clear vision of what you want to achieve. I appreciate your transparency and thoughtful approach. I'm excited to see how Zing evolves in the future. I wish you a prosperous 2024 and look forward to hearing more about your achievements in the coming year!
Just keep in mind that the POSH claimdrop for zing is temporary, we have an approximate claimdrop ratio in the @holozing report posts (at the end).
Thanks for the kind words!
I had issues registering for POSH. Despite making several imprints on Twitter, I could not earn a dime may be because my registration was not successful. How do I do it now?
Can't earn POSH from Twitter anymore, only reddit now.
Congratulations on your achievement; it is great to have you in the project who believes in your own project and just participates in accumulating ZING the same as the other user, without having a prior share for the developers.
People will keep saying so many things, but in my opinion, you are doing what you believe, and it will bring the project to its brighter destiny, I have seen some top contributors have already sold their significant portion of Zing which causes dups but I want to say ZING is very strong and has enough supporters to hold it tightly.
Finally, the POSH reward is also a part of the game but not for the rest of the lifetime, so I am not concerned about that. With further distribution and more participants, ZING will become more stable and will hold its value. Thanks for sharing the info.
Wowww, this is a massive achievement. I am not bored of reading stuffs about zing atall...I am just going bullish with this token. So far, I have staked 5k+ $ZING Token and I am super excited about it as well 😇
Hopefully 2024 will be great...I am thinking Long-term with this project
That's impressive. I think I only have about 10K ZING between my staked amount and the LP.
I bought 8660 POSH and am already in the top 10. Soon I will have 1% of all POSH :)
Congratulations Acid, I can’t wait for the game to officially launch. I was just wondering when there will be a space to talk about this
preferably as you said when there's a playable game to talk about :D
Oh okay that’s fair. I’m excited 🙂
Congratulations on reaching 3M. And me, struggling to reach 3k. Although it seems little I am very happy with it. 😁
And I was happy about my 1.5k $ZING achievement :')
Congrats on the 3 Millions Mark! Well deserved and hard earned!
That's a huge result! Congratulations for such an effort, the result and the bottom-top strategy you are pursuing. I think that this is a great way to involve the community from the very beginning.
I am staking and adding up some HPs, while holding ZING. Keep the great work up!
Congrats on the milestone. I have a lot of excitement for this project and hope that it comes to fruition the way you have envisioned it.
That's a whole lot of ZING.
I just reached 3000 ZING staked
Congratulations! I'm not too far behind, perhaps just about 2.998m ZING away? 😅
This is the way..
I like what and how u chose to do things. It shows where ur coming from towards it. :)
wow! congrats reaching the 3 million zing milestone.
3 million zing. It's really amazing. Congratulations to you.
I think that's a remarkable way to end the year, I mean amassing that much in Zing tokens alone. I believe the token has huge potential and will thrive on the hive ecosystem. I think it was rather courageous enough for you to launch the token.
Congrats, @acidyo - what a great achievement!
Congratulations on your achievement. I can't wait to reach this milestone.
I have only 2.78K but its all because of POSH.
congrats on holding posh!
Wow congratulations boss. I am happy for you weldone
Wao! Congratulations 👏🎉🎊 it's amazing 🤩. I wish you my best! I wish you many more successes 🎊
What an article, congratulations.
Oh my God!
That’s a lot. I’m glad and I hope I get to teach this milestone someday
Congratulations to you and keep it up!
I particularly think that everyone can do what they want with their projects. I say this to the detriment of those who have judged you on how you are doing things, I am convinced that no one has the right to do that and even less if they have not invested resources in it.
On the other hand, I consider that this project is going well, although I have never participated in one from the beginning as I do now being a zing-holder and creating content for it. Obviously I hope to continue participating and seeing how it develops until God willing we can play it.
I'm excited I can't deny it, and I also think that looking for the way in which we can all benefit in the best possible way has to do with your long history as a gamer, perhaps the founders of other projects are not and that's why the difference in how things are done.
Happy end of 2023 my friend
Of all the game projects that I have invested in in the early stages of development Holozing is the one project that I really believe in and see a lot of potential and the main reason is because your desire to create a beautiful game is 100% transparent and credible because you are a gamer and because you are a Hiver with a high reputation!
Congratulations on your achievement. I only have 1% of the amount of ZING tokens that you have but I hope to accumulate more and more ZINGs in the future.
Also, a founder who has so many tokens of his project is an added trustworthy element for the project
Happy New Year and my wish is that Holozing will become in 2024 a famous and important project like Splinterlands!
!discovery 30
happy new year! Thanks!
Congrats on 3 million Zing. I'm chilling in the liquidity pool growing my Zing until rewards end and then go max stake mode. Gotta keep stacking Zing.
Keep in mind btw that the rewards don't end after the x days the LP says is left, but we plan on adjusting them as we're looking to dilute it over a couple other chains. Just letting you know so you don't make any last minute decisions before we add more rewards to the next window!
I still believe that this game will be a blast, many old era game player want to playing pokemon again in different tastes. And i am pretty sure i am not wrong join in this community. Since i owe you gold foil legendary summoner in splinterlands game. Really it is like rain in the dessert man. Thats why i am starting following you mate. And i belive your way and seems nothing wrong with it (even though i am not understand about the programe).
Haha hope your gold foil luck follows you to zing as well cause looking at the current gold foil animation and design I think you will definitely like having one! :)
i love that and i believe that you can give me luck as well in this community
Good to see the HoloZing project climbing hills and reaching milestones. There is this quote that says; "nothing good comes so easy". I read that a lot of people discouraged you and said some ill words for starting this project. If no one said ill about it I myself wouldn't have started investing in it.
Within some months the project is getting much attention and support than any other projects on hive. Hivers are supporting the project by buying the zing token and also with their delegation. This is 2024 and I believe HoloZing will do well. I and other hivers are at your back Acidyo, Weldon and continue with this amazing project.
You're doing amazing and I'm feeling very proud of what you already achieved so far.
There will always be pessimistic views out there, it's unavoidable, so don't take them too seriously. If you visualise it, go ahead.
Have a great new year! Best regards.
Cheers mate, likewise!
Wow this is massive. Congratulations to you on your achievement of reaching 3m. Its interesting to see you use your gaming experience to create something unique in the gaming space. I look forward to also staking my zingtokens and i believe this will be possible for me as a newbie to achieve in 2024.
First off, congratulations on the 3 million zing! After reading this post, I appreciate how much more it means to you for achieving it. I do agree that the distribution of Zing is very unique; I think this is the first one I've seen like it. While I am a bit sad that I don't have Posh, and I missed out on that part of the airdrop, I also believe that including it in the ways to get airdrops is good. I think it promotes trust in your brand. Posh and Holozing are your projects. If investors see that your products are not abandoned, and they have purpose in future ones, then they will believe in your 'brand' and support your future endeavors. I look forward to how Holozing turns out, and I am excited to play it.
Next year is the year of the dragon. If there is any year that can be called the most favorable for a start, it is 2024.
I wish you (all of us) that 2024 turns out to be a ZING year, in all senses.
Why are all these people trying to discourage us? Because those who try to change our minds have neither the courage nor the ability to do so. It is for this reason that they will seek by all means to prevent us from carrying out our projects.
In my case, I never take his guys into account. I rush !!!
This is a great milestone. It is not easy to start a project and run it until it starts seeing success. I have benefited from POSH but sold it out when I did not know much about it. Now that I am getting the understand standing of POSH and ZING, I tell you, long term investment is the best way to go.
Congratulations on the milestones. Mine was still at 1600 ZING and still working how to increase my token before it being release .
That is awesome... I have completed 5k milestone and heading towards 10k now...
Wow this is a big achievement. Congratulations
Amazing milestone! Congratulations on reaching this awesome 3M in such a short time-frame!
It really appreciate you Sir for your achievement to reach this big milestone, and I would like to say many more Congratulations 🎉 for this achievement because it is not an easy thing.
But you have done a lot, so all of it is just because of your effort.
Congrats Sir for the success achieved. You are really an inspiration!
Amazing work on Wockairke(3/8) is impressed by the energy and effort you've put into this post. Your contributions are truly appreciated., @acidyo!
Wow, this post is truly amazing! As a reward, @kairke has sent you 0.3 WGOLD. Keep up the great work!
BTW! WGOLD is the token of the War of Clans ecosystem, you can use it to have discounts in all our games or stake it and earn rewards now!
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Congratulations 👏👏👏
Reading this is so inspiring and it motivates me to look deeper into the ZING token and even to accumulate it. If you as the founder throw in bucks into the game asset, that means we can look at it as bein positioned for the long term, Congratulations on your milestone.
A big congratulations on this great milestone. This is to show the level of determination and consistency you have in driving goals into accomplishments
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