Genus Triumfetta

in Nature Observer4 months ago
Latin NameObservation dateLocation
Genus Triumfetta25 november 2024Central Aceh Regency,Aceh, Indonesia

**"wildflowers" that are very unique and interesting.

Hi beloved hive blog friends, tonight I @suarlex am back with you, to show you some very interesting and beautiful wild flowers, I found these wild flowers when I returned to my hometown, on my way into my hometown, I saw a factory that was already covered in grass, but I found these wild flowers when I stood for a moment, to light my cigarette, I was very entertained when I saw the beauty of the wild flowers that I found, these wild flowers have a very extraordinary beautiful appearance, so I was very entertained by their beauty, because I was very entertained of course I wanted to entertain my friends who are always active with me here, by showing some of the wild flowers that I had taken.

**This is the beauty of the wild flowers that I found yesterday!.

**Alright guys, I hope you are entertained by the beauty of the wild flowers that I have displayed above, see you in my next interesting post!

Camera usedponsel redmi note 7
Iso speedISO
Focal lengthMM
PhotographyGenus Triumfetta


That's really a beautiful flower!
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Thank you so much❤️

Looks like a very nice picture my friend

Yes, I hope you are entertained, my friend ❤️