Genus Heteropoda

in Nature Observer3 months ago
Latin NameObservation dateLocation
Genus Heteropoda22 Desember 2024Kabupaten Bireuen, Aceh, Indonesia

unique and beautiful spiders.

hi friends wherever you are, on this very bright day I am back here with you, to show you the beauty of a spider, which is very unique and interesting,, this spider I found in my hometown last night, ready to see this spider standing on the floor, with a very extraordinary appearance interesting, because I am very interested in a spider, of course I approached and captured its beauty and I took some photos to show here, I hope you like it,

this is what the spider looks like, which I found standing on the floor last night!.

Okay guys, I hope you are entertained and enjoy the beauty of the spiders I found, see you in my next post!

Camera usedponsel redmi note 7
Iso speedISO
Focal lengthMM
PhotographyGenus Heteropoda


The spider is !INDEED unique.
Nice capture.

Thank you very much❤️

You are welcome dear


Thank you very much❤️