Genus Trigoniulus

in Nature Observer3 months ago
Latin NameObservation dateLocation
Genus Trigoniulus23 Desember 2024Kabupaten Bireuen, Aceh, Indonesia

Hi friends wherever you are, I hope you are all in good health.

Tonight I am back with you all, of course in my beloved community.

On this happy night I want to show you some pictures of a thousand feet. In my area it is called. (LIMPAH BULAN.)

I found this thousand feet in my house. That night I came home from the pond around 2 am.

When I got home I immediately locked the door of my house.

When I was locking the door. I accidentally saw this thousand feet next to the door.

Then I was very surprised by the appearance of this thousand feet next to my hand.

I was very ticklish with this thousand feet animal. I didn't dare to hold him. I was very ticklish.

When I saw him I immediately took some pictures to show you all here.

Try to pay attention to some of these thousand feet pictures.

ok friends that's all I can convey to all of you. I hope you all like and can be entertained by the photography photos that I took.

see you in my next post.

Camera usedponsel redmi 5
Iso speedISO
Focal lengthMM
PhotographyGenus Trigoniulus


As a child I used to see Genus Trigoniulus. I was very afraid to see it. Don't be afraid anymore.

yes my friend i am also very scared of this thousand legs. especially i am very ticklish.