Boletellus emodensis

in Nature Observer3 months ago

Latin NameObservation dateLocation
Boletellus emodensis l 11.12.2024 I
Matang Panyang, District. Paya Bakong, North Aceh Regency, Aceh, Indonesia

Some time ago, I discovered an amazing mushroom while cleaning my yard in the morning. The Boletellus emodensis mushroom growing in the soil of my yard amazes me with its beautiful color and unique shape. The Boletellus emodensis mushroom has a golden brown color that exudes natural beauty. Its round shape with a curved hood makes it look elegant and attractive. When the morning sun shines on the mushroom, the sunlight makes the color brighter and shiny. When I looked at the Boletellus emodensis mushroom, I felt enchanted by the beautiful wonder of nature. I couldn't feel like immediately pulling it out or touching it, because I was afraid I would damage the mushroom. I could only look at it in awe and gratitude because I had been given the opportunity to see such amazing natural beauty.

Camera usedSmartphone
LensCell phone camera
Iso speedISO
Focal lengthMM
LocationAceh Indonesia