Genus Uraria

in Nature Observer3 months ago
Latin NameObservation dateLocation
Genus Uraria 25 Des 2024Central Aceh Regency,Aceh, Indonesia

Hello friends, back again with me, hopefully always healthy and successful and also can do activities as usual. On this occasion I want to make sure some photography images in my beloved community. This is what I will show this time is about colorful wildflowers.

I took the photo a few days ago in Asia going with my friends so a few days ago I went into the forest to hunt for photography I could have arrived in the forest I found various types of photography For example, grasshoppers, butterflies, mushrooms and other wildflowers so it could happen to take some pictures of wildflowers and also the link maybe On this occasion I will post wildflowers.

the journey we took was really tiring so it took about an hour and a half, especially since we had to walk because the road was too muddy because this season is the rainy season.

Nayla Maybe that's all I can tell in my post this time, I hope you all are entertained and like it So let's see some of the pictures I've taken below until we meet in my next post

Camera usedHandphone
Iso speedISO
Focal lengthMM
PhotographyGenus Uraria

Link to originalcommunity


I have never seen this flower before. It was very, very nice to see it.

Thank you for your comment, I hope you enjoy it.