Genus Macracantha

in Nature Observer2 months ago
Latin NameObservation dateLocation
Genus Macracantha 23 jan 2025Central Aceh ,Bireuen, Indonesia

Hello friends, all who are always active in this beloved community, back with me as usual. I hope everyone is always healthy and successful and can also do activities as usual.

on this happy occasion I want to share some photography images in this beloved community, the photo that I will post this time is about a small spider, I found the photo a few days ago when I was going into my friend's garden to see the chilies he planted.

and there I saw a small spider hanging from its web so I looked at the spider so I took some pictures that made it healthy from earlier is with its color and there is a web.

Okay friends, maybe that's all I can tell in my post this time, I hope you all can be entertained when reading my post this time until we meet in my next post.

Camera usedHandphone
Iso speedISO
Focal lengthMM
PhotographyGenus Macracantha

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