Hola amigos de hive, en esta ocasión quiero compartir la reparación de este mueble, debido que al sentarse se indica en su centro y pues me di cuenta que su estructura estaba débil y mal ubicada por ende desarme y revise.
Espero que les guste y le sea útil.

Observé que algunas tablas estaban deterioradas y otras en posiciones que no cumplían ninguna función ninguna función, por eso su debilidad por ello decidí repararlo.
- Para comenzar le di vuelta al mueble y le quite sus patas.
- Procedí a quitar el forro de la parte de abajo un material llamado "POP" para ello quite las grapas.
- Al descubrí el mueble por su parte de abajo observé que su estructura en parte estaba débil y mal posicionada con algunas tablas deterioradas por la polilla.
- Pase a quitar las tablas que estaban mal posicionada y dañadas para así restaurar.
5)Tome las medidas de las tablas que remplazarla para posteriormente cortarlas. - Luego pase a colocarlas fijando con pega y clavos.
- Al reforzar y remplazar lo deteriorado procedí a tapizar de nuevo la parte descubierta.
8)Coloque las patas y lo voltee y mueble arreglado.
Para ello utilice:
- Madera
- Martillo
- Clavos
- Serrucho
- Taladro
- Grapas.

Hello friends of hive, this time I want to share the repair of this piece of furniture, because when sitting down it is indicated in its center and I realized that its structure was weak and poorly located so I disassembled and checked it.

¡Apoyemos cada talento para impulsar el crecimiento!
Let's support every talent to drive growth!

I observed that some boards were deteriorated and others in positions that did not fulfill any function, that's why it was so weak, that's why I decided to repair it.
- To begin with, I turned the cabinet upside down and removed its legs.
- I proceeded to remove the lining of the bottom of the piece of furniture, a material called "POP", for this I removed the staples.
- When I uncovered the bottom of the furniture I observed that its structure was partly weak and badly positioned with some boards deteriorated by moths.
- I removed the boards that were badly positioned and damaged in order to restore.
- Take the measurements of the boards to be replaced and then cut them.
- Then place them and fix them with glue and nails.
- After reinforcing and replacing the damaged part, I proceeded to reupholster the uncovered part.
- Place the legs and turn it upside down and the piece of furniture is ready.
To do this I used:
- Wood
- Hammer
- Nails
- Saw
- Drill
- Staples.
I hope you like it and find it useful.

![[000234] (1) (1).png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmfPLmEneyDeEt4PMGhnAUSvHKZaAemND4AthwXqJrnC8B/[000234]%20(1)%20(1).png)