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RE: Origami Day Started with Money Envelope / ポチ袋から始まった折り紙デー

in Hive Diy2 months ago

SO CUTE! I didn't know what “Pochibukuro” was and now I'm in love, I really want to try to make one! Also, thank you so much for sharing your childhood memories, it was very tender and cute! I want to make many Pochibukuro for my friends, many of them are Aquarius sign and have a birthday in February (* ノ ω ノ)


Happy to read your comment! It's so easy to make a Pochibukuro and really practical once you get to know how to make it.

Are you a cosplayer!? It is one of the things I want to try this year. There is a big gothic festival in our city in May. I plan to make dresses for me and my daughter ☺️