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RE: Visité ExpoMix Avellaneda, en Buenos Aires/I visited ExpoMix Avellaneda, in Buenos Aires.

in Hive Diy4 months ago

Amiga @popurri , un gusto saludarte, me encanta que te haya gustado mi contenido. Son experiencias lindas y que te dejan con ganas de hacer de todo. Esas apenas fueron unas muestras que la verdad me quedé corta con la hermosa variedad de expositores que había. Un abrazote mi bella. Saludos y cariños.😍

  • Amiga @popurri , a pleasure to greet you, I love that you liked my content. They are nice experiences that leave you wanting to do everything. Those were just a few samples that the truth is, I fell short with the beautiful variety of exhibitors that were there. A big hug my beautiful one. Greetings and love.