in Hive Diy2 years ago (edited)

One day I was bored. I was thinking what to do and then I got an idea that I have many many colour pencils so I was thinking that I should make something creative.I told my mom about the idea she said yes that a good idea, I was thinking for a very long time.Then one day later my mom @nazneen-ansari went to the shop and brougth some grocerries for the food. She showed me three small boxes and those boxes were so beautiful, they matched with my room!

I took cardboard and cut it into two small pieces then I put some tape on the edges and then I taped the cardboard in the middle so it became two sides.

so now I took the colour pencils and putted them in the side at the back.

Then I took another type of pen and putted them in the other side at the front.


So it is not done yet. Take a water bottle, you can take a coca cola bottle, the little one or pepsi 7 up whatever you want or whatever you have. Cut it in half then paint it.Then you can put some more pencils and now you can have the box and the bottle beside eachother.And now it is done.



hehe our little cute Princess is so creative,
But what if you share the steps when doing any creative thing in future...
So more audience will come to shout about your creativity 😊

Take care!

Thanks @shrazi for the tips I vill think about it 😃