English version
Hello everyone! I hope you are doing well.
I've been trying to post in this community for a while but haven't had the chance. I made a small post in a comment showing a gif of a biretta I made last year for my son's graduation.
In @liketu a few days ago I published some letters that I made by hand for the realization of another biretta but in this case it is for a niece who is graduating soon, that biretta is still not finished.
Les quiero mostrar un poco el proceso de la elaboración de un tomate realizado en cartón.
En el colegio de mi hijo harán una pequeña actividad celebrando el día del árbol. El día del árbol se festeja cada 26 de mayo, no se en cuántos países se celebre en esa misma fecha, pero al menos aqui en Venezuela se celebra en dicha fecha.
English version
I could say that this is my first formal publication 🙂 😸.
I want to show you a little bit the process of making a tomato made in cardboard.
In my son's school they will do a little activity celebrating the tree day. The day of the tree is celebrated every May 26, I don't know in how many countries it is celebrated on the same date, but at least here in Venezuela it is celebrated on that date.

¡Ustedes saben, tratando de resolver!
English version
At first I wanted to make a tree 🌳 but I couldn't get a cardboard big enough to make it the size of my son, we went to a neighbor's house who recycles cardboard and we managed to get 2 pieces of a considerable one to make an apple 🍎🍏.... But when I wanted to draw the apple I realized that it was going to be a bit small and I ended up making a tomato 🍅 🤣.
You know, trying to figure it out!

English version
That's how I started to make the tomato 🍅, I managed to get two equal shapes, which I wanted to make as a kind of costume, I wanted to have a tomato on both sides (front and back).
I cut the cardboard and then I covered it with white leaves gluing them with a little bit of paste (white glue and water) so it is much more resistant and easier to paint.

Siempre me ha gustado las manualidades, lastima que apenas conocí @hive 😓, fuera publicado infinidades de trabajos que he elaborado, sobre todo para el colegio tanto de mis niños y mis sobrinos, hacen obras y festividades casi que seguido y uno se tiene que poner creativos.
English version
There was the boy, well animated painting his tomato 🍅.
I've always liked crafts, too bad that as soon as I met @hive 😓, I've published an infinite number of works that I've made, especially for the school of both my children and my nephews, they make works and festivities almost often and one has to get creative.
English version
As you can see this is how nitro tomato looks like 🍅, it was a very fast, practical and dynamic process especially for the child, he wanted to do it alone, I was there to make sure he painted well, in a uniform way, I only covered some details to have a better finish.
Ya para culminar utilicé silicón caliente y una cinta de 5 cm para poder juntar las ambas partes y así poder colgando de los hombros del niño.
Muchas gracias por su tiempo 😊⏱️
Saludos y bendiciones 😌🙏🏻✨💖
English version
To finish it off I used hot silicone and a 5 cm ribbon to join the two parts together so that it could hang from the child's shoulders.
Thank you very much for your time 😊⏱️
Greetings and blessings 😌🙏🏻✨💖
✓Banner y separadores elaborado en canva✓Fotos editadas en canva
✓Gif realizado en editor de gif
Excelente trabajo!
muchas gracias amiga 😉