Create a unique flower bed from origami paper

in Hive Diy10 months ago

Create a unique flower bed from origami paper

Meet me again at this meeting, I will share a tutorial that is very good and very unique, even very easy to follow, step by step, this is a very unique flower holder that I made from origami paper.

We know that origami paper is one of the papers that is very useful for anywhere, even if it is made with multi-purpose paper, it can make anything we want as long as it is good art.

As all my friends know, I really like playing with origami paper, whether it's creating shapes from animals, telling unique shapes for flowers or other things. This can be seen from my posts which are always consistent with origami paper. And I hope that all my work can be enjoyed by everyone and of course useful for everyone who follows it.

as you can see in the post about our meeting on this occasion, I made a flower vase that was very beautiful and looked unique in front of it, then I shaped it in a unique shape too so that it was very beautiful for the eye to see and I completed this with a full tutorial and here you will follow step by step, hopefully you will be successful

Materials used

  • Scissors
  • Origami paper
  • Dabel stip

Easy way to make

For the first step, we will take orange origami paper and fold it into a bottom and top triangle

after we form it in a triangular shape then we open it and see whether the elbows are not correct then if they are correct we will follow the next step by folding it to the middle from the bottom then we fold it into small pieces then we see the results

After that, we will make the front of this flower vase with an attractive appearance by turning it over and what we made earlier, then we shape it round and we go to the front and create a unique shape for the front of the flower vase.

then we take a little paper to make the back of this flower vase and of course this flower vase doesn't collapse easily by making it well shaped by giving it a double tip with quite double the defense than a flower vase

the last one is by putting flowers into a vase and look at the final result and it is so unique and very beautiful and this will entertain each of us when we look at it.

I also took some pictures for you to enjoy because I share pictures of men which are very beautiful results and of course we all want to see what we see and I am very satisfied with what I did. Hopefully this will be entertaining

This is the only way I can participate in this beloved community. I am very happy if all my friends love what I do. If they love, I hope that what I do will be useful for other people. At least we will entertain ourselves and entertain all our friends. See you later. In the next post, I welcome friends who want to try it


About me

My full name is aries bin muhammad, many friends on the nest platform call my name ari or aries, I come from the country of Indonesia which is specifically located in Aceh Province, I was born in 2006 until now I have completed high school education. I like interesting and unique things and I am also a lover of photography and art and new things, so on this beloved platform I will share about photography, art, traveling and other interesting things.

Thank you for your visit

Best Regards @aries12


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