Bienvenidos a mi blog amigos✨
Welcome to my blog friends✨
Good morning friends, I hope you are all doing very well. I send a big greeting to this beautiful community full of artisans and it is a pleasure for me to be sharing with you part of these sewing works that make me happy. This time I bring you a somewhat different work, and it is that these days I found on Pinterest many ideas for pantyhose or bikinis and one in particular caught my attention, although on occasion I had shown you how I make simple pantyhose with the elastic on the edge, I had not tried to make another model because when you get used to sewing something you always fear wanting to sew and try to do something new, but that was not a challenge for me because without thinking about it I was already taking out the patterns for this bikini that I saw there in the Pinterest app and I said what if I do it too to see how it looks on me and that way I can practice making another model 😁.
I thought this model was difficult to make but the truth is I found it very simple and it is another model that one could make in that case if at some point we want to make a swimsuit then it would be very good for us to learn how to do it, in my case I already learned and I feel good about myself for learning new things in these years of my life I can say that I have advanced a little more learning to sew after a long time friends, I always like to get out of the routine set goals and achieve them, I mentioned that for this new year I want to do a project and it is to make clothes and sell them to the people I know and it would be a very good help and I know that they would be very happy to see the process of said clothes here, the truth is I have many projects in mind that I know will work out and if not, well always making the attempt, as a saying goes, more is lost not trying than trying🤭.
So wait for more pretty things that I will always be sharing with you and new projects, without further ado, let's go with the simple process of this swimsuit-style bikini, I hope you like it as much as I do.

Materiales:// Materials:
- Tela que estira
- Tijeras
- Hilo y alfileres
- Elastico de panti
- Máquina de coser
- Patrones(estos podéis sacarlos respecto a tu medida)
- Stretchable fabric
- Scissors
- Thread and pins
- Panty elastic
- Sewing machine
- Patterns (you can make these according to your measurements)
Pasos a seguir://Steps to follow:

Paso 01
Step 01
I cut the front and back pieces and for the crotch piece I cut two pieces, I used my patterns, patterns that as I mentioned I took from a measurement of a pair of panties in my size, using Pinterest as a model for the bikini I was making.

Paso 02
Step 02
The second step is a bit complicated but with practice you can do it. We will place a piece of the bikini, then a piece of the crotch and another piece of the bikini and with a pin we will hold it and we will be making a straight seam. Then we will do the same step with the front piece inwards, putting the pieces in and always keeping in mind that the views of the panties should be facing each other. We will sew them in the same way.
Paso 03
Step 03
We will then sew the side parts of the panty with a straight and zig zag stitch, sealing it on both sides.

Paso 04
Step 04
Here it is time to sew our elastic from the outside in. We sew along the edge of the left side with a straight stitch, then we turn it over and sew over it with a zig zag. This is how we do the other outline of the leg of the panties and the waist part. This is how we finish our bikini. You can now perfectly see the shape of how I wanted this work to turn out.
Resultado:// Result:
This is the final result and it looks very nice. I didn't hesitate to wear it and I can tell you that it looked great on me. Of course, if you want to make it a little tighter in the crotch, you can modify the patterns to suit you. This garment looked great on me and I like it a lot. I hope you also liked this bikini and are encouraged to make it.

Creating things with love 🌷❤️
🦋✨ All the images in this publication are my author ,📱taken with my TecnoSpark8C cell phone |📸Photos edited in PicsArt and Canva. Text translated in Google Translate.

Excelente trabajo y lo mejor es que las puedes hacer a tu medida y gusto 😀