(ESP / ING) Tierna manualidad decorativa inspirada en una pequeña ardillita bebe // Tender decorative craft inspired by a little baby squirrel.

in Hive Diy2 years ago
¡Saludos querida comunidad de peakd! En esta ocasión les quiero mostrar esta delicada manualidad decorativa inspirada en una ardilla bebe, hecha con masa flexible y un tronco pequeño, el cual pareciera como si estuviera sentado en el tronco junto con su nuez, observando el inmenso ambiente que lo rodea.

Greetings dear peakd community! On this occasion I want to show you this delicate decorative craft inspired by a baby squirrel, made with flexible dough and a small trunk, which looks as if it were sitting on the trunk along with its nut, observing the immense environment that surrounds it.



  • Pinturas al frío, rojo, amarillo, verde, marrón, blanco y negro.
  • Pinceles.
  • Tronco pequeño.
  • Barniz.
  • Masa flexible.
  • Semilla redonda.


  • Cold paints, red, yellow, green, brown, white and black.
  • Brushes.
  • Small trunk.
  • Varnish.
  • Flexible dough.
  • Round seed.


Empezamos moldeando la masa flexible para poder crear las piezas del cuerpo rellenito de la ardilla al igual que su cabeza. Tomamos la semilla redonda para después forrarla completamente con la masa flexible y así crear la nuez que sostendrá nuestra ardillita.

We begin by molding the flexible dough to create the pieces of the squirrel's plump body as well as its head. We take the round seed and then cover it completely with the flexible dough and thus create the nut that our little squirrel will hold.


Ahora armamos nuestra ardillita fijando las piezas en el tronco al igual que la nuez.

Now we assemble our little squirrel by fixing the pieces to the trunk as well as the nut.


Finalmente, pintamos nuestra ardillita y nuez con tonos marrones y blancos, para luego retocarlos con matices rojos negros y amarillos, con una hermosa enredadera verde con flores amarillas plasmadas en los alrededores del tronco, ya seco, procedemos a barnizar.

Finally, we painted our little squirrel and walnut with brown and white tones, and then touched them up with red, black and yellow nuances, with a beautiful green vine with yellow flowers captured around the trunk. Once dry, we proceed to varnish.


De este modo hemos finalizado con su elaboración, una bonita y rápida manualidad ornamental basada en esta tierna criaturita de ojos grandes y contextura gordita que trae consigo una gama de colores silvestres y vividos.

In this way we have finished with its preparation, a beautiful and quick ornamental craft based on this tender little creature with big eyes and a chubby build that brings with it a range of wild and vivid colors.


Así hemos llegado al final por el día de hoy, espero que les haya gustado esta bonita obra, los invito próximamente a mas de estas fáciles y coquetas obras, ¡Nos vemos pronto!

So we have reached the end for today, I hope you liked this beautiful work, I invite you to more of these easy and flirtatious works soon, See you soon!


Las fotografías 📷 son de nuestra autoria y fueron tomadas con un teléfono inteligente (ZTE Blade L130) y editadas en Paint y Paint Tool SAI por @albakriz.

The photographs 📷 are of our authorship and were taken with a smartphone (ZTE Blade L130) and edited in Paint and Paint Tool SAI by @albakriz.

Traducción: traductor de Google.

Translation: translate Google.

That's an interesting little craft item, and it's always great when we are able to create unique items. Well done!

Just on another note: As you're still trying to find your feet, I'd like to suggest that you check the posts of other authors in the communities that you post to, and if there are posts that resonate with you, then you should leave them a message and perhaps a vote.
This will help people to discover you, and people will also check out your content in return.

All good wishes on your Hive journey:)

Es super cuchi esa ardillita, me encanta lo adorable que se ve 😍 esto esta genial para regalar como souvenir y ponerlo de decoracion en algun mueble pintorezco jeje muy bonito ❤️

Que hermoso y delicado 😘🤗