Kickstart de 2022

in Suriname Hive3 years ago


Let's not talk about that sort of Spanish title.
Let's talk about that I have been absent from HIVE - But hey I'm here!

How are you? How were the years end for you? What are your goals for next year? Have any resolutions been written?

Well, I am good - could have been better but let's focus on the positive side. The year's end was minimal - Have had more meetings (bbq parties) than the whole year combined in less than a week (lol).

My Goals for next year: Hmmm - I am working to continuity of setting the bar a bit higher of:
- being accountable,
- better productivity
- (again) more writing, will tell more about this
- More challenges in the creative space
- Mint More!!! lol
- Self Education

That's more like more will be added along the way. I set goals per month and bring that knowledge over to the next month., yes something like that.

So I have not really written a resolution, I'm just going to wing it with the previous year since I have done most of my goals for 2021.

Being Accountable vs Shiny Object Syndrome.
Yup, that's the battle I need to put up with these two. One moment I'm creating something new and nice and the next moment I get another idea or project and I hop on that without finishing the previous project and so on and so on till I'm buried under a bulk of unfinished projects but let's not be to be down about it - there is some hope to work further on being accountable to a project, I tried the 30 post challenges on Instagram and I did not fail- we should say, It was quite successful due to having the post material and videos how the post was made {Stay tuned about this topic, I will drop a deep dive on 3Speak} So I should work more successful and hopefully I will be an accountability junkie, lol.

More productivity has to do with being productive and not just busy - Use time efficiently in terms of working on a project.

  • More writing: Well let's say, You will see more on HIVE😁.
    And yes I did write more things last year. I used writing competitions as a springboard, to try to level up. I would say it was quite successful since I happened to win a free book "Wan Tamara De" by Ruth Sinkeler. It was an essay competition. (P.S: Should I drop the essay here? hit me in the comments)


More challenges in creative space: Well using the latest trends in my projects - Learning a new program (What do you think, it is? wink wink

Mint more - Well yes true, I have some things on the blockchain but more on this in a video on 3Speak. (Stay tuned!)

This is one of them:

Self Education - Uh yes this has to do with more reading and reading and using that knowledge into wisdom and this has to do with the creative space and the metaverse

A lot of points to work on in this year 2022 and hopefully, if I make it in the end, I will talk about these points at the end of 2022 or the beginning of 2023. Some of you already stated what they will be doing this year but what will YOU do this year?

Thank you/ Grantangi


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