HIVEPUNKS Back Stories: Ari Duarte The Extra Bartender

in Punks on Hive3 years ago (edited)


Ari Duarte – ID: 4268 - Back Story

Ari had never dreamed of being a bartender, and she supposed that no one or almost no one had that dream. And yet there she was, working in a bar and being happy doing that job. Every time she thought about how she had ended up there, she would smile; And every time she told the story, the listeners stared at her in disbelief.

It was Sunday. Full brunch hour. Ari went into the cafe she always frequented and found it packed with people, more than usual. The truth was that she didn’t usually go to the cafe on Sundays, but that morning she had woken up in a building without electricity and with the high temperatures she couldn’t bear it. She couldn't cook anything either, because apparently the electricity had been gone for more than twelve hours and everything she had in the fridge no longer had any use whatsoever.

Ari went into the cafe. She dodged the people coming and going, the waiters, and the strange substance that was spilled on the floor, until she reached the only empty seat. She ordered coffee and scrambled eggs, and waited. Her stomach was complaining, and it would keep complaining for several more hours, because before her food could reach her a tremor shook the whole place.
They all started screaming and running towards the exit, fearing that it was an earthquake. Ari did the same, of course.

However, when they came out they saw that it was not a natural disaster. Or at least not a common natural disaster. A giant spaceship covered the sky, and hundreds of green beings were falling from the sky. The aliens were very much like humans: identical, in fact, only with green skin. Ari just stood there, staring, not sure what to do. Everyone was running and screaming. The tremor had been caused by the large number of beings falling to the ground at the same time.

Despite all the panic, the aliens weren't doing any damage. They seemed to just be looking at the place, walking around. Every time they approached someone who was running away, they stared, as if waiting for an answer. Ari then decided to approach one and ask what they were doing there. The alien said they were looking for something to drink. Ari led them to the cafe, which was now empty, and began offering them the different drinks they had.

The aliens were very impressed and after drinking a lot, they left. Ari sighed and was finally able to sit down with her own coffee and eat her scrambled eggs. However, she was not even halfway through the plate when the beings returned.

"We wanted to know... if you want to serve us drinks on our ship, while we travel." They said.

Ari looked at them for a long time, surprised. She thought of her life, her family. She smiled and answered yes.

And that's how Ari Durarte became a bartender in the spaceship of those beings. And every time she told the story, no one could believe that she had been born on that strange blue planet where everyone had run when they had gone for a drink.


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super fun story! totally love the alien twist, haha. im always down for aliens!!